•Chapter 5•

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Uraraka's POV
Does he know what's happening?Why all of the sudden he wanted to meet me?I felt uneasy with what's going on...I better hurry to meet him.I arrived at the beach but I couldn't find him anyway...where is he?

"Uraraka-san!Over here!"he shouted at me.I ran over there quickly."What do you what–"before I could finish my sentence he said with a serious tone."What's wrong with you?"

...He knows?

"I don't know what's happening to you but I know that there is something wrong with you.You haven't been yourself lately...you haven't eat well and you smiling is not always...what's wrong?Just tell me if there's something wrong or bothering you."

I wish it could be easy to do that but...this problem...only I can fix it...nobody can fix it...me only...

"What?Hahaha...that's so ridiculous...I'm fine...don't you worry..!"I forced out a smile and hold my tears back."Are you sure?You know that you could always tell me?We are friends after all."

This is Deku-kun...he's always right...but...I can't...I just can't...!

"No!I'm serious!I'm fine!I don't need help...!"I tried to hold back my tears,I don't want my tears to fall...not in front of him..."Uraraka-san...I'm positive that there's something wrong with you.Why can't you just tell me?"he said.

I want to...but...this problem only I can fix it...me only...nobody else...only I can fix it...

"No!You don't understand!Only I can fix it!Nobody else can!Nobody understand!"I can't hold my tears back...it's to painful...so I let my tears out..."U-Uraraka-san,are you c-crying?What's wrong?"he came closer to me and tried to comfort me but I pushed him back and the things that I regret even saying it...

Go away!I don't need your help!I'm fine by myself!Just shut up!I can't handle you always questioning people's problems or feelings!Leave me alone!I'm sick of you trying to ask me what's been going on!I hate it!I hate you!Why can't you just stop?!

  Did I really said that...?I didn't mean to say it like that...

Wait,Deku-kun...I-I didn't m-mean to say t-that....I'm sorry Deku-kun...I-I-I-I just... "It's okey Uraraka-san...I'm the one to blame...*message received*I better get going...sorry for dragging you here...it's just been a waste of your time...bye then...he turn around and walked off from me...

     I didn't mean to say that...what all I said was different...it's the backwards...wait...Deku-kun...don't go...please...

D-Deku-kun....?D-don't leave...I was trembling.Tears flow non stop from my eyes and landed to the ground.I regret everything that I've said...I never said something like that to him...My legs trembles from fear and sadness.I cannot handle the pain in my heart.It was too much.So,I ran to my friends house,I just felt like running away all of the problems...

Third person view
She ran to Mina's house with all of the other girls inside because there was a sleepover.Uraraka knock at the door while still sobbing.Mina opened the and saw a crying Uraraka in front of her.She was shocked to see that Uraraka was crying.All of the girls tried to comfort her and try to asked what has happened but Uraraka won't say a word.She was too sad and still regret of what she said at Midoriya.

In the morning,Uraraka woke from her slumber,tired from what happened yesterday.Mina and her other friends tried to stop Uraraka from getting up from bed but failed.She still want to go to school,even what happened between Uraraka and Midoriya.Her friends sigh of defeat.They give up and let the tired Uraraka to go to school.


"What?!They fought each other?!"Kirishima asked with a shock face."I'm still not that sure but look at them.When they pass each other,they didn't even give a second glance at each other and to make it worse,she came to Mina's house and sobbed until she sleeps."Yaoyozoru said with a concern face while facing to Uraraka and Midoriya whom been avoiding each other."And the worst is,they won't be together if they kept their distance like this and that means...my ship won't sail!!!"said Mina while frustrated."So now we need to make them make up and be friends again...but where?"asked Kirishima while looking at his friends for any suggestion."Ah,I know!How about we do karaoke at the karaoke place?"said Yaoyozoru said while others nodded for agreement."Now that's all settled,let's launch mission to make them make up and...maybe could make then be together,thehehehe...."Mina smirk.


Hello!!!I hope this chapter is enough to entertain you guys!I put a bit of spice to make the story a bit thrilling,you know,the drama😅

Other than that,thank you for reading this chapter even tho it's much!🤗😆

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