•Chapter 6•

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"Everyone!Would you like to join me this night for a karaoke night?"Mina ask with excitement planted on her face.Everyone agreed to go and surprisingly Bakugo willingly go for the karaoke night.Except for Uraraka.Mina look at her with concern and ask."Uraraka,do you want to go?"Mina ask."Yeah,maybe I'll go..."said Uraraka without a smile.Mina's concern increase but she just let it slide."How about you Midoriya?Would you go?"Mina ask."Well everyone is going so I'll join too."He said."Okey,everything is settle,you can meet me at 9:30 at the karaoke place.I will rent a place specially for us only."said Mina will showing a thumbs up."Everyone laugh because of her cheerful acts except for Uraraka...she didn't smile for the entire day.Everyone's was worry,specially Midoriya.


–At 9:15–

Jirou and Kaminari just got out from a market place to buy some snacks and went to the karaoke place.While others are practicing their singing skills,some are trying some new clothes,some are relaxing, some are sleeping,some are eating,some are looking things shouldn't been seen.A lot is going on without us knowing it.

Soon after that,the time is 9:30 and that means"IS KARAOKE TIME!!!"said Mina with excitement,everyone is excited to sing.Except for Uraraka...she didn't jump for excitement,she didn't smile at all...even if she smiles,everyone knows that she's faking it 'cause knowing her,her smile is bright but now...her smile is just some paper plastic glued on to her  face.

Before they start to sing,they were all starving for food so they ate first.Some foods were homemade,some are from the market,some didn't even bring food.Everyone enjoyed their meal with satisfaction on their faces.Only Uraraka didn't ate...as usual..."Uraraka,why won't you eat?"Mina ask as everyone brought intention to her.She dislike being the intention,it's giving her pressure to answer any questions.

"I-I didn't brought my food..."she lied."Oh,do you want some of my food?ask Kirishima."You know you could just ask if you want food?We all brought food.Well,except for Bakugo..."said Lida."WHAT DID YOU SAID FOUR EYES?!"shouted Bakugo.Lida just ignore him and offers Uraraka some food.As they saw Lida give some food to Uraraka,everyone started giving food to her.She was speechless.She was very grateful for her classmates kindness,because of her classmates kindness,it convinced Uraraka to eat.This time,she didn't end up at the toilet.That's a relief but there are still some more business to attend.They all smirk to each other.

They all sang their songs happily,some of them choose a rock song,some of them choose an original song like "7 rings","Thunder","Girls like you","Perfect",some of them choose a sad song like "Without me","Be Alright" etc.

"Now,the next one singing is...who didn't sing yet?"Yaoyozoru ask."Uraraka and Midoriya!"Mina said loudly because of her fangirling."Just Uraraka and Midoriya,huh?Why don't you two do a duet?"ask Yaoyorozu."No,it's okey.I don't want to do a duet..."said Uraraka facing down at the ground."Well alright,if you want to do solo then solo it is."said Yaoyozori."Thank you..."said Uraraka while showing a bit of a smile."Why don't you go first,Uraraka?"ask Mina.Uraraka nodded and headed to Yaoyozoru and grabbed the microphone and started choosing a song.She didn't know what song should she sings that match with her feelings.Yaoyozoru noticed and helped Uraraka to find the perfect song.

After choosing the right song for Uraraka to sing,they just had found it.Then,Yaoyozoru left from the screen and let Uraraka sing.Uraraka see the lyrics and the lyrics was the same with her miserable life of wanting to help her parents,wanting to get stronger,wanting to be slim,wanting to be as strong as 'him' is all let out from this song.Before she sings,she take a deep breath and was ready to sing.


Sorry for the short chapter...I lost ideas of making this chapter long😅

Other than that,I hope you enjoyed reading this weird chapter.I really appreciate.

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