Dana imagine for Chardie

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A/N: I am SOOOO sorry this has taken so long! I've been super busy, so here it is! And sorry its sort of short.

        I blew out the few candles I had set up while I head to bed. I could not believe him. He promised he'd be hear, that he wouldn't flake. I mean, it was our one year anniversary.

        I had just kicked my heels into the closet when I heard the door open, I just shook my head and sighed.


        I rushed downstairs and glared at the snapback wearing boy that now stood in front of me.

        "Sorry? Sorry?! Dana! I reminded you multiple times that our anniversary was coming up. Our one year anniversary! And all you can say is sorry!!??" By now I felt my eyes welling up with tears. I didn't want Dana to see so I turned around.

        "Chardie, I'm so sorry, recording ran late. I couldn't control it. I know I've been canceling a lot of our plans lately. I'm sorry, I didn't forget, I just couldn't make it out of the studio in time."

        I turned back around in time to see Dana holding an enormus boquet of my favorite flowers along with a snapback that said 'Dana's Bae' on it and a gorgeous bracelet. He walked towards me and slipped the bracelet carefully on my wrist.

        "I saw you looking at the bracelet while we were out to the mall a couple months back. I knew how much you wanted it. Then, I know how you like to steal my snapbacks, so I thought why not get you your own?"

        My face now held a small smile and pulled down Dana's head so my lips smashed into his.

        "I forgive you Baby."

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