Part 2

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Hey friends!

Come with another part ❤ Hope you all will like ❤

In Hospital!

Swara : ( to Sharmistra) Maa! I don't want to stay in this hospital. Please take me to home.

Sharmistra : Beta this doctor will tell when you will get discharge. ( Swara pout listening her).

She lowers head with pout. She is not liking environment of hospital suddenly her face shines with glow listening something.

Sanskar : I made every arrangements of your discharge papers. Doctor gave you discharge. Soon you can go home. ( with smile know his Swara don't like Hospital a bit).

Swara : ( excitedly) really? ( Sanskar nod yes with smile seeing her happy) Wow! Now I will go home. (Confused getting something) but how you came to know before my telling?

Sanskar : ( fumbled think something) unm common Swara! No one like to stay in hospital so I thought you also must be not liking so I made your discharge papers. ( give a logical reason).

Swara smile agreed with him thinking he is saying correct. Sahil come in room for checkup of Swara. He examine her blood pressure.

Sahil : are you sure Mr Maheshwari you want Swara 's discharge? I mean she is not still fine. She needs proper care which at home is quite difficult.

Sanskar : You don't worry doctor. I am there for her. I mean we all there for taking care of her. She will be happy in home environment rather then hospital 's environment.

Swara smile listening him. She feels good seeing​ him understanding her thoughts without saying.

Sahil : Okay as you wish Mr Maheshwari. I am prescribing medicines give her regularly. ( Sanskar nod yes,  he go from there).

After a while!

Sharmistra helped Swara in change in Red kurti and pallazo which Sanskar brought for Swara without acknowledge of Swara.

Swara trying to get up from bed but feeling weakness. Sanskar move to go toward her but before him Ragini hold her hand showing fake love for her to all that how loving Sister she is.

She make Swara stand start walking with her. Swara walking with her but she is holding in unprotected way cause she stumble start falling.

She close eyes in fear of falling but feel two strong arm around her petite waist. She open eyes her black eyes meet with brown orb which has lot's of love and care for her. She see Sanskar who is holding her waist. She feels good by his this gesture. He make Swara stand carefully.

Sanskar : ( angrily shouts on Ragini make her scared) Ragini! What is this? Where is your mind? Now only Swara would fall then?

Ragini feels insulted by his shouts but compose herself start shedding fake tears.

Ragini : ( showing fake tears) I am sorry Swara because of me you would have fall.

Swara : It's okay.

Ragini : come Swara. Now I will hold carefully. ( about to hold her hand but Sanskar side her hand make her feel more insulted).

Sanskar : No need. i will help her. ( realized what he said to Swara) can I help you?  ( Swara feels good by his gesture nod yes).

He hold her one hand and through shoulders start walking but Swara feeling weakness in body. Sanskar can sense pain on her face unable to see her more in pain. He pick Swara in arm make her gasp in shock by his sudden act.

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