Part 7

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Hey friends!

Come with another shot ❤Hope you all will like❤

In Swara 's Room!

Swara is lying on bed unconscious. Sanskar is sitting on bed with her holding her hand tears are brimmed in his eyes seeing her like this. He become so scared when Sharmistra called him Swara faint. He came running worriedly.

All are looking worried for Swara except RagLak who are smirking seeing her condition.

Sanskar : ( to doctor who is examining her) Doctor what happened to her? Why she fainted like this? ( tears are in his eyes showing his fear for her).

Swara open eyes slowly slowly. Her face is looking pale and weak. Tears are still in her eyes. She looks at Sanskar weakly tears brimmed in her eyes seeing him while remembering Kavita and his pictures. Her heart bleeding thinking whom she love is in love with someone else.

Sanskar : Please tell me what happened to her? ( concern love is visible in his eyes).

It's make Swara smile through tears seeing he care for her.

Doctor : Mr Maheshwari she fainted because of excess stress on her mind.

Sanskar : ( worried) what? Stress? But how? She was very happy till yesterday. ( in mind).

Swara : ( teary eyes) Sanskar!!!

Sanskar : ( listen her voice smile in tears seeing her awaked hug her) Swara!! ( caress her face) you are fine na? ( Swara nod yes in tears) what happened? Why you are crying?

Doctor : Mr Maheshwari this stress is not good for her in this condition.

Sanskar : ( remembered her memory loss) I know doctor. Because of her memory loss and injury on her head. Stress is very bad for her.

Doctor : No! I am not talking about that condition.

Sanskar : ( confused) then which condition?

Doctor : She is pregnant and in pregnancy stress is not good for a pregnant lady.

All becomes shocked hearing it. All become happy by this good news. RagLak fumes in jealousy listening doctor 's words that Swara is pregnant. SwaSan are going to become parents that too before them.

Sanskar become shocked listening her. He is numb to react something then register doctor 's words. Smile come on his face with the happiness he is going to become father. His and Swara 's love symbol is going to enter in their life to make their life more beautiful.

Swara hell shocked listening doctor 's words. her mind rotating listening it.

Swara : (shocked) Pregnant? How? How I can pregnant without marriage?

Sanskar who is smiling in tears of happiness become shocked listening Swara see her just then realized Swara forget everything. She doesn't remember his and her marriage and this baby 's news came like a shock for Swara not happiness like him.

Sanskar : ( try to calm her who is blabbering in shock) Swara!!

Swara : ( shouts) How I can become pregnant without marriage. Doctor you must be mistaken. I can't be pregnant when I am unmarried. You please check again. This can't true. ( hell shocked not believing what she listened).

Doctor : I am saying truth. You are going to become mother. You are pregnant. If you don't trust on me can consult to any doctor. Result will be same. You are pregnant.

Swara become hell shocked put palm on her mouth tears brimmed in her eyes.

Sanskar feeling bad for her tears brimmed in his eyes too.

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