Part 6

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Hey friends!

Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like❤

SwaSan reach in five star hotel. Swara gasp in surprise seeing everything is beautifully decorated. She smile seeing this. Sanskar smile seeing her smiling. He arm near her. Swara smile sling her around his arm. Both come near table. Sanskar pull chair for her like a gentleman which touch Swara 's heart. She sit. Sanskar also take his seat. Both are looking each other smiling.Swara lowers eyes feeling shy.

Sanskar smile seeing her blushing face. Soon a waiter come give menu to them.

Sanskar take it order Swara 's favorite things which make Swara surprised.

Sanskar : Do you want something else too?  ( while looking in menu).

Swara : ( surprised) How you know about my likes?

Sanskar : ( smile) I told na I know everything about you. I know you in and out.

Swara smile listening him. She feels overwhelmed.

Swara : ( suddenly become sad) But I don't remember anything about your choices.

Sanskar : ( put palm on her hand) So what? You will remember slowly slowly everything. Don't be sad. ( to calm her).

Swara : ( smile seeing his care for her) But still I will order for you. Can I?

Sanskar : ( smile) You don't need to ask my permission. Your wish my command.

Swara : ( her cheeks become pinkish listening him) Okay. ( take menu looks in it unknowingly) Bring Paneer sandwich,  Naan,  Shahi Paneer,  Daal Makhni and for desert bring Rasmali. ( smile).

Sanskar become surprised listening her who ordered his favorite unknowingly. He smile through unshed tears seeing his Swara whose mind might forget their all memories but still her heart belongs to him. She may be forget him but her heart still connected with him. It's shows how much she loves him.

Swara : ( see him lost) what happened? Don't you like these all? I didn't knew. You order for yourself by own. ( sadly).

Sanskar : ( smile) No No! I love these all dishes. It's my favorite.

Swara : (become happy) Really?  ( Sanskar nod yes with smile) Wow! ( to Waiter) Then Bhaiyaa please bring everything fast. We are very hungry. ( cutely make Sanskar admire her).

Waiter go from there taking their order.

Swara : ( think something with smile) Sanskar!! Till our food is not coming. Shall we take a selfie? Please. ( puppy face).

Sanskar : (smile) Yeah sure.

Swara : ( excitedly) Wow great. ( stand up come toward him take out her phone on camera make a pout,  Sanskar admiring her all lost in her,  Swara see him lost) Sanskar!!  Make a pout like me. ( make pout).

Sanskar chuckles seeing her antics. Swara again shouts to make him pout. Sanskar make pout. Swara click their selfie.

Swara : ( stick tongue cutely) Sanskar stick your tongue like me. ( stick tongue, Sanskar shook head at her antics do like her chuckling she click their selfie) Sanskar now wink. ( she wink cutely make him chuckles) Sanskar don't laugh and wink. ( Sanskar stop laughing wink like her) Swara click their selfie. 

Swara hold her hairs make beard on Sanskar make him chuckles. He smiling remembering her antics. She is still his Swara. Swara click their pic.

Waiter come with order seeing him Swara make him faces stop clicking selfies.

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