Part 5

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Hey Friends!

Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like❤

In Morning!

SwaSan are sleeping peacefully in their respective place while keeping video call on while talking whole night they slept without cutting call.

Swara first who open eyes feeling sun rays on her. She see Sanskar who is looking extremely cute while hugging pillow. A smile come on her lips seeing his morning face which is so cute.

Swara : ( in mind) He is so cute. ( forward hand to touch him then realized its video call hit her forehead) I am mad. ( murmurs).

Sanskar open eyes listening Swara who is smiling looking down smile seeing her like this.

Sanskar : ( smile) Good Morning Swara.

Swara : (listen his voice looks and find him awake) Good Morning Sanskar. ( smiling see Sanskar yawing become sad seeing this) I am sorry Sanskar. Whole night I disturb you by my bak bak and disturb your sleep.

Sanskar looks at her once then turn his face with anger make Swara more sad.

Swara : ( sadly) You are angry because I disturbed you?  I am sorry.

Sanskar glare her then again turn his face showing his anger.

Swara : ( sadly with unshaded​ tears) I am sorry Sanskar.

Sanskar roll eyes make a pissed off face with anger look.

Swara : ( tears brimmed in her eyes seeing him not talking to her) Sorry na! Please talk to me.

Sanskar : ( angry) why I talk to you? When you don't remember what I said to you.

Swara : ( confused) What?

Sanskar : ( without turning with anger) That your talk is not bak bak for me. I love to listen you. ( Swara become surprised listening him) and in friendship there is no sorry and no Thank you then from where sorry came in us?

Swara : ( smile in tears) Ohh! So you we're angry because of this.

Sanskar : ( angry) Yes.

Swara : Ohh! Sorry Sanskar. ( cutely).

Sanskar : ( angry) Urgghh!!  Again you!! Impossible you are.

Swara : ( bite her tongue cutely) Sanskar!

Sanskar : ( angry) Now what?

Swara : ( smiling) You looks so cute when you become angry.

A smile come on Sanskar 's face listening her words.

Swara : ( smile) and this smile is more cute.

Sanskar : ( melt but with fake anger) Swara don't call me cute.

Swara : ( teasingly cutely) But you are cute so I will call you cute only na. Mr cute Maheshwari.

Sanskar : Swara!!!

Swara : Sanskar!!  ( in same tone).

Both burst in laughing seeing each other.

Sanskar : ( with smile) You very well know how to convince me.

Swara : ( smile) Of course that's why I am your best friend right?

Sanskar : (in mind) and my life too. ( to Swara) Yes ( with smile).

Swara : Now Mr Cute Maheshwari get up and become ready for school. I also have to ready. Bye.

Sanskar : ( smile at her antics) Okay. ( both cut call start getting ready).

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