Part 10

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Hey friends!

Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like ❤

In Morning!

In Baadi!

Shemish,  Swara is present in hall. Sahil also come out from kitchen. Sanskar called everyone.

Shekhar : Sanskar beta! Why you called us suddenly?

Sanskar : Baba! I called you all here for a important announcement. For the work I came in Baadi is competed now. ( looks at Swara intensely).

Swara lowers eyes with shy smile know he came for her only. Shemish smile understanding his hidden meaning.

Sanskar : That's why I am throwing a party in Maheshwari mansion so I called you all for inviting for tonight's party in Maheshwari mansion. ( with determined face).

Swara : ( in mind) what Sanskar is going to do in this party? ( while remembering his words that he will make everything alright).

Sahil : ( in mind) That's good that he is going. Now I will come close to Swara. ( see Swara with a smirk on face).

Shekhar : Okay beta! We will surely come. ( smile,  Sharmistra nod yes with smile).

Sanskar who notice his gaze on Swara clench fist tightly. He see Swara who is looking at him only. He sign Swara to go in room. It's make her confused but find seriousness in his gesture so without asking anything she go in room. Sahil fumes seeing this who noticed Sanskar send Swara in room when he was gazing at her lustily. Sanskar gaze at him angrily yet dangerously.

Sanskar : ( angrily come toward him) If I again see your dirty gaze on my Swara. I will smash your this eyes so don't you dare to raise your eyes on my wife.

Sahil : ( smirk) Your that wife thinks me her husband Sanskar Maheshwari and soon she will be mine.

Sanskar : ( laugh devilishly) It's your assumption. Swara is only of Sanskar and will remain of his only. No one can separate us. Your bad times come Sahil! You will regret for eyeing wife of Sanskar Maheshwari. Now you will face the real devil. Mark mine words. ( go from there giving a hidden challenge to him).

Sahil frightened by his words which have intensity.

Shekhar : ( smirk) Now you will understand with whom you messed. ( both go from there leaving Sahil more shocked and frightened).

Sahil : ( compose himself with false hope his inner screaming his defeat but he making himself compose by his false thoughts) No Sanskar! You will defeat not me and SwaSan have to separate whom Sahil like take that thing at any cost. ( smirk while remembering Swara 's beautiful face).

In Evening!

Swara is taking out dresses from cupboard for tonight's party but not understanding what to wear.

Someone come in room while tip toe see Swara who is looking so cute while in her confusion of dresses. He come toward her shouts near her ears but Swara doesn't react a bit. It's make him confused.

Swara!!!  Why you didn't scared.

Sanskar revealed who is standing at her back with frowned face seeing her calm not reacting by his shouts.

Swara : ( smile) Who got scared from own.

This make him smile seeing her love for him that she can recognize him in every situation.

Sanskar : ( smile)  This much you love me?

Swara : (smile all lost in him) More then myself. ( make Sanskar smile through tears. He forward toward peck her forehead ).

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