Being eco-friendly whilst shopping

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+Bring a reusable bag instead of buying a plastic bag (and you also save 5p!).

+Buy from local markets instead of supermarkets or

+Buy from plastic-free supermarkets.

+Buy in bulk.

+Try to buy products in glass bottles instead of plastic bottles.

+If buying takeaway food bring your own cutlery OR

+Opt for wooden cutlery or wooden chopsticks instead of plastic cutlery.

+Use a reusable cup instead of a disposable one.

+Use a reusable glass/metal straw instead of disposable ones.

+Buy takeaway ice cream in a waffle cone instead of a disposable pot.

+Buy second-hand plastic products instead of new plastics- e.g. buy 'new' plastic bowls from charity shops or second-hand shops instead of new.

+Think about buying people experiences instead of items as gifts- memories are often treasured more than items as well.

Comment if you have any extra tips to share :)


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