5. Finally Safe!

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We kept walking for what seemed to me like more than one hour, but we still hadn’t found anyone. I was sure it wasn’t that long, but I was so tired and hungry and thirsty it seemed like we’d spend days walking in a desert.

Suddenly, we saw someone else in the distance. It was another boy. I felt like running and jumping on him and not letting him go until he helped us. That’s how desperate I was for help! I had to control myself not to do that, and I decided to let Lucy handle the situation, or we would probably end up in trouble.

We started walking faster in his direction, hoping to be a little more successful this time.

"Hey!" Lucy shouted "Wait up!"

The boy stopped and looked at us. As we got closer, we could easily recognize him. Striped shirt, red pants and white suspenders. Yep, that was Louis! He was on the phone, but when he saw us he quickly said goodbye and hung up. He seemed confused.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here? Were you at the concert?"

"Yes! We're not from London, and we left our purses inside the arena, so we're lost and have nowhere to go. Do you know if there's any way we could go back inside and look for our stuff? Please, it's our only chance to get out of here" she laughed a little, in a failed attempt to hide our despair.

"Oh my god! Have you been here alone for all this time? I'm so sorry! Come on, let me get you girls inside, you must be starving and freezing out here!" He was so sweet! He seemed genuinely worried about us.

We started walking after him, glad we were safe! Actually, it was more than that, we were with Louis! I’m sure Lucy must've been freaking out on the inside. I still couldn't stop thinking about Harry though... Was he always like that?

"What's wrong with your friend?" He asked Lucy.

"Oh, she's fine. Just a little disappointed" I tried to smile. I really wasn't hoping to worry anyone. "You didn't have to hang up though, we could've waited. Was it something important?" She asked Louis about the phone call.

"No, it was just… I was..." And he started getting nervous, it seemed like he was trying to make something up. After a few seconds of stuttering, he gave up. "It was my mom" He admitted, smiling and looking down, a little embarrassed.

We laughed, and I could see him blushing. The more we laughed, the redder his cheeks got. I promise we tried to stop, we didn’t want him to feel bad, but we couldn’t! “Oh, come on girls! Don’t you talk to your moms all the time too? She just wanted to know how the concert went!” We forced ourselves to stop, he was right. It was still really funny though, it was helpful to clear my mind from Harry. “I’m glad you feel better over other people’s embarrassment, by the way.” He said, sarcastically, looking at me.

“You’re right, I’m sorry.” I said, taking a deep breath and wiping the tears that were accumulated in my eyes from the sadness and the laughter I’d been through. So I tried to change the subject. “But what did you guys think of the concert? Of course, you were awesome, as always, but was the crowd loud compared to the other ones?”

“Are you kidding me? It was crazy! I’m pretty sure it was one of the loudest we’ve ever performed to!” We opened a big smile, proud of ourselves for making them happy. “Here we are!” He pointed at a small black door a little ahead of us.

“Please don’t tell me it’s here! We must’ve gone past this door a thousand times and we didn’t even see it!” Lucy said in disbelief. It was pretty dark outside, and the door being black, we would never find it unless we knew exactly where it was.

“Well, that’s because you didn’t have the right guide with you Mrs.” He winked and took a step forward, opening the door and letting us in.

He was so sweet and cute! Why couldn’t Harry be like that?

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