6. Going Back

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As soon as we got to the arena, Louis talked to the security guard, who quickly let us in. We walked into a surprisingly small room. It was all black, with a lot of mirrors and lights and some couches where they could sit and relax before and after the concert. It also had a huge table in the middle with all sorts of foods and drinks. After the night we’d had, I have to say, it felt like paradise to us. I’d never been that relieved in my whole life!

“I know you’re probably very tired and starving after all this time, so feel free sit wherever you’d like and take whatever you want from the table, make yourselves comfortable! I will ask someone to look for your stuff.” He smiled and turned to the door. After a few seconds, he came back. “Actually, I wouldn’t take the chicken wings if I were you, unless you want to get in a fight with an Irish little devil.” We all laughed and Niall looked at us from the other side of the table, finally taking his eyes off the food. He was holding a wing in each hand, and he gave us a cute smile, as he had just noticed there was someone ‘new’ there.

“Hi, I’m Niall!” He said, trying to offer a handshake, but noticing both of his hands were full.

“Giovanna and Lucy” I said “We’re huge fans of yours! I’m sorry to bother you here, but we got lost and thank god we found Louis, or we would still be wandering outside and walking in circles some more.”

“No problem babe, I’m glad he found you then!” He smiled and we smiled back. “Are you served?” He pointed to the food. I’d usually feel bad and wait a while before I got something to eat, but this time I couldn’t even think. Our stomachs were pretty much speaking for us. So we joined Niall and started eating some chips that were at the table. We talked for some minutes and he seemed like a really nice guy!

When the hunger eased and were actually responding for ourselves, we noticed Liam and Zayn at the back of the room. Zayn was looking in the mirror, fixing his hair and not paying attention to anything else. Liam was texting. We could tell by his smile that he really liked the person on the other line, so I assumed it was his girlfriend Danielle.

The boys were even more perfect the closest we got to them! Niall was like an angel brought to our planet to upgrade the standard of its previous inhabitants. Liam was adorable! He was such a happy person, and his smile could make any heart melt in seconds. Zayn was, indeed, vain, and it was worth it! His skin was perfectly tan and his brown eyes shined like nothing I’d seen before! Louis was so excited all the time it made anyone’s life worth living. His smile was the sweetest, and he was such a nice person!

I was trying to pretend like I wasn’t freaking out, but having four of my biggest idols right in front of me wasn’t helping at all. To “worsen” the situation, the other boys saw us and came closer, introducing themselves and apologizing for not doing it earlier. Soon Louis came back and joined the conversation as well, they were all really funny! After a while, it seemed like we had known each other for a very long time. I mean, technically Lucy and I had, they just didn’t know it.

“So you came all the way from Battle just to our concert?” Zayn looked surprised.

“It actually isn’t that far, considering all the places you’ve been on tour! Plus, it wasn’t like you would ever go there anyway.” Lucy said, analyzing a sandwich she was holding, before she started to take off the olives and put them on a napkin on the table.

“What are you doing?” Niall said, in a surprised tone.

“Um… I don’t really like olives, so I’m taking them off”

“You can't! They’re the best part of the sandwich, you’re losing all the taste!”

Everyone laughed, but it looked like Niall was serious. “It’s true! Look, try just one bite with the olives” And he offered her the sandwich he was eating. She made a weird face at first, but then it turned into a smile.

“It’s actually not that bad!”

“I told you so!” He winked and took another bite of the sandwich, proudly. She took another one of hers as well.

“Okay, I like yours better, let’s trade!”

“No way! Mine’s way better, eat your oliveless one while I enjoy the good things in life” And he took another bite.

“I got it!” Louis shouted, taking another sandwich from the table and throwing it to Lucy. But he missed her and it fell exactly on Niall’s hands, making him drop his sandwich on the floor. Niall gave Louis an evil glare and all I know is in a few seconds they were running all over the place. Louis had all the sandwiches from the table and Niall was chasing after him. It was simply hilarious! We couldn’t stop laughing at all.

“He takes his food very seriously” Liam said, trying to explain the situation.

After a bit, they were tired of running and Louis fell, with Niall on top of him still trying to steal a sandwich. So the other boys joined in, then us, and soon everyone was on the floor, with a lot of ruined sandwiches underneath us, I was sure!

“Boys, we found the girls’ purses” The main security guy got in, with no expression of surprise at all. I guess that was probably a normal event on those crazy guys’ lives.

“Thanks Paul!” Lucy said with a huge smile on her face. He seemed confused at first, but quickly remembered who we were. He smiled back and gave it to us.

“It’s time to go back to the hotel!” He said, ruining our moment with the boys.

“Hey Paul, can we take Lucy and Gi to the train station?” Louis asked and gave us a wink.

“Sure, why not?” He said, already packing everything there was left and taking it to the van.

“Thanks!” We said, almost in unissound, a smile taking over our faces. I felt so stupid when I was next to them, but I couldn’t help it, they were all so gorgeous! And they made me feel like a little girl all over again, playing with the food and chasing each other around the room. Seriously, I hadn’t had that much fun for years!

“No problem” He said, returning our smiles “It was the least we could do!”


In the van, Lucy was still talking about our city to Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn, but I couldn’t stop looking at Harry, sitting in the first seat by himself, silent and serious. Either something was really wrong with him, or he was nothing like the Harry Styles I imagined. I wondered if it had anything to do with Cara. I was still really mad at him, but if she’d done anything to hurt him, I swear she’d be dead to me! Not that I was in love with her before, but believe me, it could be worse!

I came back from my thoughts when I noticed the van had stopped. We had arrived at the train station. I wasn't sure if I was upset or relieved. It was good to be going back home after all, our parents were probably really worried about us.

“It was really nice meeting you girls!” Liam said with a friendly smile.

“And don’t forget your purses!” Louis said, making us all laugh. Well, not all of us. We got up and went to the front to exit the van, and I took a last glance at Harry. He stared into my eyes for a bit, then quickly looked away. That broke my heart a little bit more, as if it was even possible.


* I actually wrote this at school, during my chemistry class haha

Please let me know what you think! :) xx

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