12. A Bit Of Love Hate

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Last day of school. Thank god. I couldn't wait to just stay at home and do absolutely nothing all day. That was the kind of life I always asked for. I still had one more task to do at school though. And I was not willing to let it go.

"Giovanna?" Lucy interrupted me from my thoughts and I suddenly remembered where I was, standing at the bus stop waiting for that damn driver to realize he could drive faster than my grandma sometimes, especially when we were all waiting in the cold for him! "You're still half asleep, right?" I gave her an affirmative smile, even though that had nothing to do with why I wasn't listening to her. "Guess who came to talk to me at school yesterday?"

"I don't know, Lucy... Derek? I still haven’t seen him and I’m starting to feel a little worried."

She laughed "You're not worried, you're just pissed you didn't get to sing with him, even though you didn’t seem to have a bad time with Harry, I couldn’t help but notice"

"Urghh, don’t even say this name anymore, I'm so done with him! Just tell me, who talked to you yesterday?"

"Well, it will be a little hard if I can’t say his name..." She said waiting for my reaction.

"WHAT? What did that idiot want with you? Did he offend you? Just tell me Lucy, I'll chase him down, believe me!" I almost dropped all of my books on the floor, what made me think about the hallway incident and become even angrier at that curly haired idiot!

"Relax, he didn’t do anything bad!" She waited for me to calm down a little. "And he wasn’t alone by the way, if you wanna know." She smiled, as if she was waiting for me to ask her about it. And when I was about to, her phone rang with a new text message:

'Good morning beautiful! I hope your day goes well, I can't wait for Saturday! Louis xx'


Ooh, he would pay for that! Of course he would! And I would be right there to make sure he had the worst school day anyone could possibly have! What did he do that was so bad? You might be wondering… Well, I’ll tell you what he did. He ONLY introduced his best friend to MY best friend!!! Of course I was happy for her and everything, Louis did seem like a good guy and she did like him a lot… But I’m sure that was not why he was doing that at all! He only did that so Lucy would move to his side, and that’s exactly what was starting to happen!

“You know, he’s really not that bad after you’ve met him. He’s actually quite nice…” She started saying at lunch. I rolled my eyes and she immediately stopped talking. She knew it wasn’t going to work. She had already tried for half an hour on our way to school and nothing could possibly change my mind about that!

That’s when I saw it! A blonde girl sitting by the door and a curly haired boy talking to her. Not talking, seducing. Yes, that was a better word to describe it. And I knew those curls. Damn, I knew those curls! And I hated them, with all my heart and soul. So I knew right then that if I wanted to do something, that was the time.

I got up, leaving all of my stuff at the table and ignoring every single look from the people in the cafeteria, and I suddenly felt very lucky I was wearing skirts that day. I pulled them up a little and started walking my way to the door, that same door. Oh Harry Styles, poor Harry Styles. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into when you crossed my way again coming to this school. But you were about to see what a crazy fangirl is able to do when annoyed by the right person.

“So, basically… We play like twice a week, usually in a big arena, with thousands of girls screaming our names from the audience. It’s a good life, but it doesn’t even compare to having someone to be there for you every night. Someone you can count on, someone you can tell everything, someone you can trust above everyone else…”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2013 ⏰

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