10. I Don't Need Any Help!

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“Good morning everyone! If you don’t mind waiting just for a few minutes before you can head to your seats, I have an announcement to make.” I had just gotten in the classroom, and everyone was standing at the front, with curious looks in their eyes.

I could easily spot Harry in the middle, with all sorts of girls trying to catch his attention. He was, as usual, flirting with some blond chicks. More accurately, the sluts of my school, if you don’t mind me saying. I sighed, that was so typical of him… I hadn’t known him for long, but what I’d seen had been enough to figure that out.

I walked over to the other side of the room, as far away as possible from all those people. Without even talking to anyone, I just stood there and waited for Mr. Knight to start giving the announcement.

“So as you all know, we have a new student at our school this year” Great, I was hoping I’d missed all that ‘introducing the new student’ crap yesterday, guess I was wrong. Yay, more attention to Harry! “And because of most of the students’ behavior from last class, I decided this is not gonna work with you choosing your spots at the classroom all semester.” Wait, what had I missed here? “So last night I made up a sitting map, which will be permanent unless I decide otherwise.”

He then began calling people’s names and showing them to their seats. Most girls looked pretty disappointed, especially the ones that were talking to Harry before. The teacher, however, didn’t seem to mind their attitude. He just went on with the list pretending he didn’t notice it.

After a while, he had gone through most of the girls, with only me and another one still standing. It was pretty obvious he was trying to keep them away from Harry. I had no idea what had happened the day before, but I had a strong feeling I wasn’t the only one affected by his presence in the class.

He called Harry’s name and guided him to a place where he could barely see all the girls on the other side of the room. He then filled the spots around him with mostly guys. Obviously, I was the last one on the list, probably because he hadn’t seen me there yesterday, so he had no idea who I was. When everyone else was already sitting down, I could see he’d left me the desk right next to, guess who? Right, Harry Annoying Styles!

“You must be Giovanna, right?” I nodded, throwing him a look and trying to make him understand that I’d rather sit anywhere else in the room – or on the planet, to be more accurate – than the place he’d chosen for me. Clearly not getting my message, he went on “Well, you weren’t here yesterday, so I don’t know if this will work, but I’m taking a risky shot with you, dear. I really hope this works out, you don’t seem like someone who would cause a lot of trouble anyway.” He winked and turned around, walking towards his table to start the class.

I just stood there for a while, not believing how ‘lucky’ I was… Most people would die to be in my situation right now. To be honest, even I probably would, just a couple of months before that. I could see Harry laughing, even though he was trying to hide it.


“Sir, I don’t think you understand, I CAN’T sit next to him all semester, there’s gotta be a way!” Everyone had already left for their second period, I would be counted as absent again, but who cares? I had to fix that right away!

“I’m sorry Giovanna, I get that you don’t like him, but right now I’d rather have someone like that around him than the opposite.”He insisted, still working on some papers that were on his desk. “You weren’t here yesterday” He stopped and looked me in the eyes, with a scared look on his face.“They’re mental! I don’t know how that boy is still alive honestly!”

“I know, I see that, but please, you have to understand!”

“Look, I have no idea what happened for you to hate him so much, but this has to be a case of misunderstanding… I’ve talked to him and he’s a great guy, in spite of everything, and you look like a nice girl too, you should at least talk to him and try to figure this thing out.”

I was about to start begging some more when a knock on the door interrupted me.

“Excuse me sir, I hope I’m not interrupting anything...”I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms around my chest. How could he be that annoying?

“Harry! Of course not, come on in!”

“I just wanted to apologize again for what happened yesterday!” He said, walking towards us.

“Not a problem Harry, it was not your fault!”

“In some way it was, and I’m truly sorry! If there’s anything I could do to try to make it up to you just let me know” Mr. Knight grinned, I didn’t like that.

“Actually, there is something you could do, Harry” He then looked at me. Okay, I definitely didn’t like that! What did he have in mind? Had he not understood a thing I’d been saying for more than twenty minutes? “Giovanna was just telling me about how her locker is halfway across the school and she has this whole pile of books to carry since it’s her first day in my class. Would you mind helping her?” He said, pointing to my books and still smiling. Had he lost his mind??? I tell him I can’t stand a guy and he gets him to carry my books for me? Of course, it could be a little fun seeing Harry do something for someone instead of the other way around for a change.

“Of course!” He said, picking up my stuff and going to the door.

“Thank you so much Harry, I know it means a lot!” He winked at me and quickly went back to work before I had a chance to contest anything. I knew he was trying to help, BUT HE WASN’T! I exited the room as well, seeing I didn’t have any other option.

“Soooo… Who’s the one who needs help now, huh?” He grinned, mocking me for what I’d said the day before.

“No one!” I took my books from him and walked away, I didn’t need a guy’s help to carry my books! Most girls would find it sweet that he was willing to carry them for me, but that was definitely not me, I didn’t depend on guys for anything! Specially not to carry some books, they weren’t even that heavy anyway…

“Wait Giovanna, I was joking” As he said that, I got even more irritated and stopped paying attention to what I was doing. Till this day I don’t know how it happened, but I know in seconds I was on the floor, with the books spread all over it as well. “Well, I didn’t say it wasn’t true though” He said, smiling and offering a hand to help me stand up.


Hi guys, I'm really really really sorry it took me so long to upload! I've been taking my college admission exams, so I've been really busy. I hope some of you havent given up on my story just yet, it's about to get to the good stuff! Hopefully, everything will go well and I'll be partially free after tomorrow, so that means more time to write!! :D

Anyways, pleeeease let me know what you think, it really means a lot!

Oh, and I'll upload the next chappie when this one gets at least 10 votes, so don't forget to vote if you like it and want to read more! :)

Thank you so much for everything, I love you guys!

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