8. Back To "Normal World"

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*Thank you guys so much for reading and commenting, I can't express enough how much this means to me!!!

I think I'll start to dedicate the chapters, so this one is dedicated to MustangStar and StairsToStages for reading my chapters and commenting such cute stuff! Thank you guys, ily!!

(I don't know how to dedicate a chapter to more than one person, I don't really think you're allowed to, but you're both really sweet so I couldn't decide.. I'll dedicate the next one to StairsToStages, sorry!!)

Anyways, I'm sorry it took me so long, but here's chapter 8, hope you all like it! :D


Finally our school break was over. And I know what you’re thinking, I don’t really like school that much either. But with all the drama we’d been having during the break, I was actually excited to have a normal life again, with no famous jerks and no One Direction stories at all, just family, friends and books. It was my last semester at school after all, and I wanted to enjoy it the most, but I had to keep in mind what it would basically define my whole future from that moment on.

I got up a little earlier than usual, took a shower and got dressed. As I ran downstairs I found Lucy chatting with my parents. We always went to school together as she lived just a couple of blocks away from me.

“ARE YOU READY?” She got up and yelled excitedly as soon as she saw me on the stairs.

“YES, MORE THAN ANYTHING!!!” I could see my parents laughing at our ‘unnecessary’ excitement, but I didn’t care. I was determined to make this the best semester of my life! I would have fun with my friends and focus on the study, so that I could get into whichever college I chose. Nothing or anyone could get in my way this year, I couldn’t wait for it to start already!


We got off the school bus and went straight to the main entrance, where we found some of our other friends. We talked about what we did over the break and they all had some very interesting stories, but I got distracted and started to think about my break, and how I hadn’t really enjoyed it as much as I wanted to, not unless you consider being disappointed with your biggest idol fun.

I stopped when I realized I was thinking about it again, and quickly tried to get back to the conversation. I heard something about someone new or something like that. Our city was really small, so we pretty much knew everyone around our school, and it was exciting to see a new face every once in a while.

“Wait, there’s a new kid?” I asked, and they all laughed at my expression of surprise.

“In what planet were you just now, Gi?” Lucy asked, still laughing. “They just said the principal told them there’s a new boy coming. Hey! Maybe you can welcome him when he gets here, as you’re so good with meeting new people!” She opened  a huge smile and sounded really excited.

I did like meeting new people. I was the first person to talk to Lucy when she came to my school. Of course, we were like 5 at the time. But I still loved getting to know the new students and trying to make them feel welcome. They were usually really nice and I knew how much it meant to them.

“Yes, I can’t wait!” I answered, smiling.

The bell rang and we all went to our classes. It sucked that I didn’t have first period with any of my friends, but I’d be alright, that just meant I would have to pay more attention to the class. I got there early, as always, and there was a group of people talking loudly and excitedly on the other side of the room, so I figured the new boy was probably there. I put my bag on an empty desk on the other corner of the room and got closer to talk to him.

As I made my way through all the people and I finally got to see him, I was shocked! I was so mad I couldn’t even say anything, I didn’t even move. I just stood there with my mouth half open and stared, not being able to believe what I was seeing. What was he doing here?? What was Harry Styles doing in MY world???? He definitely didn’t belong there! And this was the one thing he couldn’t have taken away from me!

He looked at me with the fake ‘I care’ expression I was sure he did with everyone. I was so angry! I grabbed my stuff and left the room, not caring if anyone was staring at me or not. The only thing I had in mind was that I never wanted to talk to him again after what he said that day. I had promised myself I would never feel that miserable again, ever!


* Please comment and vote so I know if there's anyone reading it and if you like it or not.. Thanks again! <3

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