4. A Regular Popstar

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I was surprised at first. I’d always imagined Harry as being the perfect gentleman, someone who was nice and respectful with everyone he talked to, so different from all the stupid guys I knew from school. But I guess I was wrong, maybe he really was just a regular guy, or even worse, maybe he was just a regular popstar. I started to feel tears form in my eyes, but I stopped them, I didn’t want him to see me cry, no matter how sad I was. I felt like I had to say something.

“Listen, we bought your tickets, we bought your CD, we buy all your singles the minute they‘re released. If you’re here for any reason right now, it’s because of people like us. So if you don’t want to help us, that’s fine, but at least pretend like you care.” I knew I was being harsh, but I had so many thoughts on my mind that I couldn’t just ignore them. I was upset, I was disappointed and, most of all, really tired from all the walking. This was supposed to be like the start of all my dreams, why did it feel like it was the end of them?

After I said that, I turned around, pulled Lucy by the arm and started walking away. I could feel him staring at us, but I didn’t stop.

“You think you know everything, don’t you? Well, let me tell you, you have no idea what this is like! You fans think you know us so well... You just enter our lives and start messing around with everything and everyone that we actually care about!”

“Please stop” I said, almost begging, and I instantly felt tears streaming down my face. “You have no idea how this affects me, and I’m truly sorry you feel that way! Everything we do is because we love you and we want to support you, we never mean to do anything you wouldn’t like, and I-” I couldn’t say anything else. I wiped the tears from my face, I couldn’t believe I was crying like that! I took a deep breath. “I’m sorry to have bothered you.” I said, calmly, and started walking away, with Lucy right behind me. When we were far enough, we stopped. She came closer and gave me a hug.

“It’s gonna be alright Gi, he was probably just upset with something and he landed it all on us. He’s still the same person from all those videos we've watched!”

“No, he’s not! Who even knows if that guy really existed in the first place? I knew it was too good to be true.” I’m sure she knew how I was feeling, she would probably feel the same way if that had happened with Louis. “But whatever, why am I crying? I didn’t even know him! I’ll be fine. Right now we just need to find someone that is actually willing to help us, that’s all. Let’s keep walking, or we’ll never get back to Battle in time!”

Battle was the name of our city, and although it wasn’t that far, we still had to get to the train station somehow. We started walking again, hoping to find someone who was willing to help us.

I didn’t say anything, but what I was actually hoping was to find the ‘real’ Harry. The nice, caring one that I thought I'd known all this time. The one that would help us get out of there without thinking for a second. In my imagination, he’d be laughing when we’d told him we saw him on a bench outside. He’d be swearing he’d never left the arena for a second, and that it was impossible for us to have talked to him.

Of course, life wasn’t even slightly like my imagination, or else I wouldn’t be lost, starving and freezing outside looking for anyone that could help us. In fact, I don’t even think I’d have to buy the tickets for tonight, or wait in line all afternoon, or almost kill everyone standing in front of me just to get a chance of touching their hands. I would probably be backstage looking at Harry with that same proud expression I’d had earlier that day, waiting for him to finish singing so I could say how proud I was, except that time it would actually mean something to him.

But that was only my imagination, I knew who the real Harry was now, and nothing could ever change that again.


This chapter was a little dramatic, I know.. It's not gonna stay like this :)

Anyways, hope you guys liked it! Please let me know what you think! xx

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