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It was early in the morning I'll say around 7:30 I was laying down on my comfy bed I had to get up.

But I couldn't I was to tired.

"Lucas honey get up please your going to be late to your new school." My mom says with a sweet tone

I slowly sit up and think of how my life has came to this.

Everything was too new the house the people everything now a new school.

I got up I felt the cold floor on the bottom of my feet.

I walking to the restroom and did what I do every morning brush my teeth wash my face and shave.

I brushed my hair and smiled to the mirror.

I then went and picked out a shirt and some jeans the most normal thing.

Because you know I'm normal kinda guy.

I went downstairs and saw my dad sitting on he's usual seat well kinda he was reading the newspaper

My mom was making breakfast it's smelled good I love how she cooks.

And my little sister Melanie was sitting next to my dad going on and on how she hated change she's twelve and she thinks she knows everything it's pretty funny.

I sat in front of her my mom put a glass of orange juice Infront of me but I really don't feel like eating or drinking anything I'm to nervous.

"Are you going to eat ?" My mom asks me.

"Um no not really feeling it today." I say looking down

"Aw honey your just nervous." My mom says patting my back

"I guess" I say with a smile

I get up from my seat and say goodbye because sadly I have to take the subway and I have no idea how that works.

I walk out my house and close the door behind me I pulled my phone out and put my headphones in just to ignore the loudness of New York.

As I walked down to the subway I was kinda lost but I found myself figuring everything out.

I got in the subway and sat in this empty seat there was so many people rude disgusting people.

I just say there observing until the subway stopped and my world stopped

A beautiful blonde and weird brunette made there way in the subway.

I looked at them not showing no emotion they looked around my age 15 16 maybe

The blonde made eye contact with me and gave me a devilish smile.

I liked it.

The brunette looked at me and did something weird

I didn't like it so much.

I took one headphone off and tried to listen to what they were saying.

I couldn't hear anything over these loud people.

The blonde waved at me

I waved back

Goddamn she was beautiful.

She pushes the brunette to me

"Um hi!" She says

"Hello." I say back still looking at the blonde

"Riley." She says smiling

"Um Lucas nice to meet you." I say with a slight smile

"Yeah..okay bye." She says and leaves

Wow okay that was no way weird.

Soon we got to the stop I got off quickly and they followed I guess they were going to the same place.

I walk to the big high school "Quincy Adams High School"

I lost the girls in the crowd I just really couldn't get that girl out of my mind.

I walked into the door of this new school and as soon as that happen I felt everyone's eyes on me

Girls whispered and giggled.

Guys looked at me with hate.

Oh high school how can I not like you.

It's hard being a new sophomore because back in freshman year everyone found there clicks and groups.

I looked for my locker 224.

I found it after a while of looking

So many girls smiled at me it was crazy.

I opened my locker and started putting my things in.

When I familiar face comes next to me.

It was the blonde her locker was next to mines.

She met eyes with me and smiled

"Maya." She says opening her locker

"Lucas" I say smiling at her.

I put my stuff in and walked to my class.

World History first ain't that something.

I walked in and I was the first one there I was happy.

"Ah new student!" The teacher says to me.

"Uh yeah Lucas is the name" I say smiling

"Mr.Matthews" He says shaking my hand

"Take a seat any where you want. " he says to mean

I do as he says

Everyone starts walking in and then I see that girl Riley walk in with of course Maya beside her.

Maya sat In front if me I smiled at that.

Riley sat beside her then some weird kid sat beside me.

Oh this is going to be an interesting year.


A/N : New Laya book I hope you guys like it.

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