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It was the last period of the day wow this Monday went by fast I grabbed my keys and head out to the student parking lot.

Maya kept giving me this looks and she tried talking to me I just pretend she wasn't there.

But I shook everything off I stopped myself from thinking about her.

I'm going to Ashley's house her parents aren't home because their out of town.

This means nothing I'm not doing what you think I'm going to go do.

Even if it's is tempting because she's hot no I'm not that type of guy.

Yet I say that and I always have a condom just in case wow I'm confusing.

Ashley doesn't seem like that girl so I guess I'm good for now.

I started driving to her house once I left out the schools parking lot I consider one of those drivers that are very crazy and annoying to the other people that actually go by the rules.

Ashley didn't live that far from school so I got there pretty quick she said she'll be here in 10mins she was doing something with student council

So I just parked my car on her drive way she had a nice house although it was a little away from the city but you know it closer to the school.

Not like me I have to drive like 20mins just to get here.

I turned on the radio and Ed Sheeran was playing.

I enjoyed those 3mins

Then I got a text from Ashley saying she's on her way.

I got out the car and she was already pulling up,she stopped her car and got off really fast.

"Have you been waiting long?" She asked

"Nope." I say smiling at her.

"Good." She says leading me to her door.

She opens the door and we walk in her house was huge from the inside. She closed the door behind her.

"Come on let's go to my room." She says smiling and grabbing my hand

I just laughed as she pulled me up the stairs.

She walks me into her room she had posters of all the bands she likes basically the same bands I like.

She also had a chalk wall it was pretty cool she had flowers on it and some quotes.

"I like your posters." I say admiring her walls.

"Thank you." She says smiling

"The chalk wall is pretty creative." I say smiling back but looking at her wall

"Here draw something." She says giving me a piece of chalk

"I can't draw." I say feeling embarrassed

"I'm not here to judge but fine write me something." She says jumping on her bed.

I stood there thinking about what I should write.

"I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back." She says giving me a kiss on my cheek

I smiled.

I began to write...

"Ashley your very very pretty and I know this isn't the best thing and you probably heard this before your beautiful and Im lucky I found you and I'm glad I can call you mine I'm horrible at this I know I apologize - Lucas"

I finished writing by the time she came back in the room.

"Ah I see you wrote me something." She says smirking

"I tried." I say laughing and sitting on her bed

She started reading it

I soon realized she changed clothes she had some little shorts on and a tank top.

"Aw your adorable." She says smiling and walking towards me.

"Well did you like my dorky paragraph" I say grabbing her by her waist

"Yes I did" she says smiling and putting her hands around my neck.

And we started kissing a little

She grabbed my hand and put it on her butt although I felt a little awkward I went for it.

She laid me down she's laid her body on top me and she started kissing my neck a little, with that she turned me on.

But some how I couldn't stop kissing her I turned her over and started kissing her neck.

"Lucas before we go more far I just wanted to tell you this is my first time." She says

"Are you sure you want to do this then?" I ask

"No I don't think I'm ready just yet sorry" she says

"No don't be sorry it's okay I'll wait for you to give me the okay" I say smiling at her

She smiles back.

I'm so glad she said no I don't think I was ready to do all that with her it's not that I didn't want to I just don't know what to exactly do and I don't want to make a fool out of myself.

I got off her and laid next to her and stared at her ceiling

"I'm hungry." She says

"Ummm how can we fix that." I say

"Pizza?" She says

"Hell yeah." I say turning over to look at her.

"Okey!!" She says in a adorable tone and grabs her phone and started walking out her room

"Stay here." She says to me

"Jeez ash I'm not a dog." I say joking

She sticks her tongue out at me.

She's adorable.

I checked my phone I had 3 texts from Maya.


"Why are you ignoring me what did I do?"

"Whatever I did I'm sorry."

Now Maya knows how I felt those weeks she stopped talking to me but I'm done trying it's kinda hard to stop thinking about her since she keeps texting me so I just deleted everything she texted me.

I turn off my phone and put it down soon enough Ashley ran In and jumps on me.

"It will be here in 45mins!!" She says

"Okay!!" I say back.

"We need music." she says getting off me and putting music on

She started dancing really dorky, I started laughing.

I'm happy with Ashley she's actually making me forget about Maya I guess that's a good thing.

A/N:Thanks for the ones that give feed back it helps a lot lol & thanks for reading ❤️

-Do you like Lucas and Ashley together ?

-Do you like Ashley so far?

-Is Lucas really moving on from Maya or you think his lying ?

Comment your answers😬

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