Chapter 1

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Annabeth's POV:

I opened my eyes and groaned. It was Monday, and Monday meant school. Don't get me wrong, I like learning. But, school is constantly annoying boys hitting on me. None of them seem to take the hint that, I HAVE A FREAKIN' BOYFRIEND!!! Sheesh.

I force myself to roll out of bed and get dressed. Today, I decide to wear one of Percy's sweatshirts, shorts, white converse, and silver owl earrings. Wearing Percy's stuff that he lent me months ago brings back good memories. It also makes me realize how much I miss him. I grab a buttered bagel to go, put my hair up into a ponytail, and hop in my grey Jeep so can get to school on time.


"Annabeth!" My friend Veronica beckons me over to the rest of our friends. There's Veronica, Rochelle (we call her Ro), Gary, and Brian. "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked. "We just found the PERFECT boy for you!" Ro squealed. "Guys, for the last time, I have a boyfriend" I exclaimed. "Annabeth, we're your friends, you don't have to give us all of that boyfriend crap. We know he isn't real, you describe him as if he's some kind of god or something. And plus, even if he is real, the guy we found is so perfect you might even want to dump him" Brian explained to me. I rolled my eyes WAY back into my head, not even bothering to look at the "perfect" guy.

Percy's POV:

Beep! Beep! Beep! I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I jumped out of bed, for once in my life, I'm excited to go to school. Today, I'm going to start going to school at Annabeth's school. I moved to California because my nightmares have been getting bad without Annabeth around. I also missed my Wise Girl.

I quickly get ready, not even bothering to have breakfast, and hop in the blue Porsche Poseidon got me for my 16th birthday (after I passed my drivers test). I hurry to get to school (while still driving under the speed limit).


"Here is your schedule Mr. Jackson," the secretary lady said as she handed me the list of my classes.

"Thank you" I responded over my shoulder as I walked out of her office into the hallway. 

I squinted at my schedule, trying to understand the list.  After a few minutes (more like 30 seconds), I gave up and looked around for my Wise Girl.  Ah, there she is. 

Annabeth's POV:

I felt strong arms wrap around my waist.  As a reflex, I elbowed the person in the stomach.  

"I see you haven't lost your quick reflexes and strength" 

I turned around to see who dared worsen my already bad day.  To my surprise, it was Percy!

"Percy! What are you doing here?" I asked.  

"I transferred here to spend more time with you!"

What's up brotatoes?  I hope you enjoy my fanfic! I will continue to write as often as I can, but I check my account almost daily so let me know what you think.  Constructive criticism (wow, I sound like a teacher) is welcome and so are other ideas for the story! I'll respond to you if you leave me a comment.  Thx for reading.  

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