Chapter 5

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Annabeth POV:

"Both of you, in my office NOW!" Mrs.  Radill shouted at both of us.  Great! Now I'm going to get sent to the principal's office because Gary thought it was appropriate to lecture ME about MY choices.  

I glared at Gary as we followed Mrs Radill into her office.  All the kids in the hallway were looking at us and whispering to each other.  What a bunch of losers.  Don't they have anything to do besides gossip?  I rolled my eyes as we stepped into the principal's office.  

"Now what was that all about?" She asked kindly.  Gary spoke up first.  

"Annabeth told me that she's moving in with her boyfriend.  And I told her that it was a HORRIBLE idea" he crossed his arms.  

"Well Gary, I don't know anything about Annabeth's boyfriend and whether she should or shouldn't move in with him.  But is it REALLY your place to tell her what to do?" She pointed out.  

"I'm not telling her what to do, I'm advising her not to do what she's doing" he huffed.  

"Gary, you only briefly met Percy YESTERDAY! You have no right to judge him so quickly!" I shot at him.  

"You have NEVER mentioned a boyfriend, which means he isn't that important to you.  Therfore, you shouldn't move in with him. " he said.  

"Get if through your thick skull.  The world doesn't revolve around you.  So, if I don't tell you something, that doesn't mean it's not important.  And second of all, you dont get to not believe me when I say I have a boyfriend, and then when you meet him, say I never told you about him.  That is BS!" I was starting to lose my cool.  

"Annabeth, watch your language!" Mrs Radill exclaimed.  "Alright.  Gary, let Annabeth make her own choices.  And Annabeth, talk to a trusted adult before making big decisions like this.  Ok?"

"Alright," Gary grumbled.  "But I still don't think she should do this"

"Ok" I answered.  

"Alright, I will let both of you off on a warning since the fight wasn't physical and no insults were thrown.  Now go to your classes.  Here are passes for being late"

The two of us exchanged a final glare, then we went our separate ways. 


Still Annabeth's POV:

"Guess what" I asked Percy.  

"What?" He asked.  

"Gary BLEW UP when I told him we are moving in together. Like can you believe the nerve?"

"Annabeth it's fine, it's not like you need to care about his opinion all the time." He responded as we got into his blue Porche.  

"Yeah, I guess" I slumped down in my seat as Percy drove to our new home.  

Percabeth In High School *Finally Finished!!*Where stories live. Discover now