Chapter 19

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I  you recommend read the last chapter again, since it's been so long. 

3rd Person POV:

Percy and Annabeth walked through the door to their apartment.  Percy kicked off his shoes (me lol), while Annabeth untied her shoes.  Percy tossed the keys onto the kitchen counter, then went to lay on the couch.  Percy grabbed the remote and went to lay one the couch.

Athena POV:

I love Annabeth, I really do. She is one of my favorite children ever.  Her and her boyfriend, Poopy Jack-o-lantern have saved the world many times.  I just don't understand why she decided to move in with him. 

 I've been watching his every move, and he seems like a decent person.  Or as decent as he can be since he is a son of Poseidon. 

I decided to surprise Annabeth at her new home.  Once Poseidon heard about this though, he wanted to come too.  We also came up with a second surprise we wouldn't tell them about until later.  So, here we are, hiding in a closet to surprise/spy on Percy and Annabeth when they got home.  

"Why arent we just turning into an animal or household object instead of hiding in a closet? Were gods for goodness sake!" I told Poseidon.  

"Its more fun this way!" He said.  

"Fine" I answered.  

We waited half an hour until they got home.  I saw Percy lay on the couch like the couch potato he is.  

"Why is your son so lazy?  I whispered to Poseidon.  

"He's not lazy, he's just taking a long break from working" Poseidon shot back at me.  

Annabeth joined Percy on the couch and they started cuddling.  Percy turned on the TV and filled to Disney+ (I absolutely love disney+, not gonna lie).  While they were busy, Poseidon creeped behind them.  Once he got close enough, he started yelling like a banshee and flailing his arms around.  Percy uncapped Riptide and turned to see what the danger was.  When all he saw was Poseidon, his face went from brave to confused to annoyed to angry to surprised to happy.  He gave Poseidon a hug.  I popped out from the closet and gave Annabeth a hug too.  

Annabeth POV:

"What are you doing here?" Percya asked. 

"We wanted to see you guys" Athena said.  

"Why'd you hide in the closet?" I asked 

"Can't a god have some fun?"?Poseidon grumbled.  

"Of course, but we hy scare us like that? You know how alert we are" I pointed out.  

""It was funny" Poseidon shrugged.   


Gary POV:

I had a really weird math substitute.  Her name was Ms.Ann.  she carried herself in a way that was similar to Annabeth.  She completely understood everything we were learning.  She had a no nonsense attitude, which is rare is substitutes.  In other words, she was perfect.  I had another substitute in science too.  His name was Mr.Poe.  He was cool and didnt seems to care what anybody thought of him.  I saw both teachers in gym.  For some reason they were substituting the same class together.  Mr. Poe announced that we would be doing sword fighting.  (It gets a little cliche here).  "Does anyone want to give us a demonstration?" Ms. Ann asked.  Annabeth raise her hand, so I did too.  

"Yes Ms. Chase-Jackson.  Come up here" Mr. Poe smirked.  Annabeth looked at Percy and he shrugged.  She glared at Mr .Poe.  

"Its not Chase-Jackson, just Chase" Annaneth blushed.  

"Yea ok, whatever you say" Mr.Poe waved Annabeth up to the front of the class. 

Percy raised his hand too.  

"Percy, come up here too" Ms.Ann said.  

Great, another teacher fooled by Percy's nice guy facade.  

"Umm, I was raising my hand before Percy was, can I try too?" I asked.  Ms.Ann just sighed.  

"Fine.  Go against Percy and the winner will go against Annabeth."

I went over and grabbed a sword.  Percy already had one.  He got into a fighting stance with a bored expression on his face.  

"1.. 2.. 3... FIGHT!"

Yay! A very late chapter that I owed you guys a long time ago.  Happy Thanksgiving! Let me know in the comments if you want a Thanksgiving themed chapter.  


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