Chapter 16

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Image above is 100000000000000% not mine.  I do not claim it AT ALL.  

Warning! (*insert flashing red lights and sirens*) Contains AoS spoilers. Okay, not really, but still! Read at your own risk. Also, includes HoO spoilers, but if you haven't read it yet, you REALLY need to. However, includes mentions of Fitz-Simmons and the occasional author's note. Enjoy!


Annabeth POV:

Today at school, I couldn't bring myself to fake break up with Percy.  I told him that maybe tomorrow we could, but not today.  

Right now, Percy and I were cuddling on the couch, binge-watching Agents of S.H.I.E.LD. season 6.  It's much calmer than all the drama tomorrow will bring.  

"We should be like Fitz-Simmons," I said.

"Always separated by intergalactic forces (I get so triggered by this. The best AoS ship, and they are ALWAYS separated) and part of a spy agency?" Percy asked confused.

"No. If needed, going across the galaxy just to be together" I answered as I snuggled deeper into Percy's chest.

"Okay, then. Is falling into Tartarus for you not good enough?" Percy said with mock offense. "Fine then, let's go find a monolith and push you through so I can find some creative way to save you. And while we're at it, let's travel to the future and bring back our future grandson. Will that be good enough for you?" I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I meant," I said as I got up and went to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Percy whined.

"To get you some blue cookies so you will calm down" I answered.

"We have blue cookies?" Percy sat up straight. "Where?" He got off of the couch and started looking for cookies all over the kitchen.

"No, but I can make them, and you can help me" I grabbed a couple mixing bowls and the rest of the supplies and ingredients we would need for the cookies.  


Percy POV:

"Annabeth, these cookies are really good!" I exclaimed.  "Almost as good as my moms.  Don't tell her I said that" Annabeth raised an eyebrow.  

"Only almost as good?" She asked.  

"Hey, remember that my mom's cookies were one of the only good parts of my childhood, and blue jellybeans" I pointed out.  

"Yeah well, the best part of my childhood was running away from my parents and being unoffically adopted by a horse-man.  So you can' be talking"

"Wow, thanks for killing the happy mood" I pouted.  

"You started it" Annabeth took the plate of cookies and walked away.  "I'll be in my room if you need me"

"Annabeth, I need you now" She raised her eyebrow again.  

"And for what purpose would that be for? She asked as she walked closer to me.  I grinned slyly.  

"You know why," I leaned in to kiss her, and instead took the cookies.  "I need you to give me those cookies"  I walked to my room, leaving Annabeth glaring at the back of my head.  

This chapter is really really short, but I'm going try to update again today or sooner than I usually update.  I really wanted o have a chapter that was just fluff before all the drama in high school happens.  

I'm going to also edit all the chapters of the story.  

I know I say this a lot, but all the views, comments, all the people that added this story to a reading list, everyone who has followed me even if they haven't read this story, you are ALL amazing. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.


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