Chapter 13

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McKenzie POV:

I ran into the bathroom crying.  I know that I only met Gary today, but I'm really sensitive to these type of things.  

I ran into the first open stall I could find, and curled up into a ball on the toilet.  

"You're a strong, independent woman" I told myself.  "You dont need a man to make you happy.  Read a book, write a story, join a club, make new friends.  You can find happiness in other ways" I kept talking to myself until I felt better.  

"McKenzie?" I heard a voice say.  

"Yeah?" I responded.  

"It's Veronica.  I'm sorry you and Gary didn't work out.  He's been really grumpy lately" she said.  " please come out of your stall.  I want to talk to you" I opened the door.  

"It's okay.  I really was just trying to help you make your friend happy" I told her.  She gave me a hug.  

"Come on, let's go teach Gary a lesson"

~Time Skip to the P. Of the E.~

Gary POV:

I got switched to the same period P.E. as Percy and Annbeth.  But they made it clear that u wasn't allowed to be anywhere near them.  

Whatever. I'll get Annbeth somehow. 

"Alright saplings! Today we are going to start our school wide Olympics.  It basically means that you compete in a sport, and depending on how well you do, you'll get ranked.  The top 20 people out of your grade will be the winners.  The top three people out of every sport, get a special prize.  You WILL be separated by gender"

Yes! This is the perfect opportunity to show Percy how much better I am than him.  

"Coach, what's the first sport?" I asked, eager to know how I was goin to beat Percy.  

"Swimming" he replied.  Oooh, I got this in the bag.  I used to swim all the time when I was in 1st grade.  I'm gonna cream Percy.   

Percy POV: 

Annabeth and I are so going to win these Olympics! We do training like this every day at camp, and the first sport is swimming.  

"Alright.  Domisi, Stogde, Fitir, and Taudi.  Line up. " Coach said.  The boys lined up, and one by one did a lap as fast as they could.  Coach kept calling names until Gafy and I were the only ones left.  

Gary, being the idiot he was, raised his hand and asked, "Can I go against Percy one on one?" The little devil. 

"Um, sure.  I don't actually care" Coach said.  

"I don't think that's a good idea" I said, bot wanting Gary to be embarrased.  

"Oh, is the wittle Percy scwared?" He said like he was talking to a three year old.  

I rolled my eyes.  "I just dont want to be embarrased"

He scoffed.  "Please, I'm better than you" 


Gary POV:

Percy is so obviously scared.  I am going to beat him by multiple minutes.  

"Line up at the pool" Coach said.  "On your Mark's, get set, go!"

I dove into the pool.  Swimming as fast as I could.  I glanced over to my right, and I didn't see Percy.  Ha! I knew he couldn't keep up.  I flipped, and pushed off the wall.  I continued to swim quickly, until I touched the end of the wall where I started.  

"Time!" Coach said with a bored expression on his face.  

"Can I at least get some credit for being faster than Percy?" I asked as I hoisted myself onto solid ground.  Coach just rolled his eyes.  

I looked around for Annabeth so I could tell her about my accomplishment.  I finally spotted her sitting in the bleachers.  I walked over and sat next to her.

"Get away from me Gary!" She scooted away from me.  

"I beat Percy in a swimming race" I stated proudly.  

"No you didn't. You were a lot slower than him" she muttered

 "I didn't see him when I saw swimming" I pointed out.  

"Has it ever occurred to you that he was IN FRONT of you?" She asked.  

"No.  Because he wasnt in front of me.  I was faster" I told her.  

"Go ask Coach and see for yourself" she walked away.  

Go ask Coach.  Please, I KNOW I did better than him.  We'll just see when the leaderboard goes out tommorow.  

New chapter, new chapter! @JelloMelloDemiWizard and @Fanvergent5 came up with the idea of a swimming race.  I just tweaked it a little bit.  Let me know if you guys want more sports, or to just know the results of the different categories.  Also, 1.7K! That's CRAZY.  

Thx for all the support!,


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