Chapter 15

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Veronica POV:

I slept over at CHB to get to know my siblings and to further understand what being a demigod really means. I had to take a few classes in monsterology and self-defense just in case I got attacked in the real world. I learned that Selena was really an Empousa and the gold dust she turned into happens when monsters get sent to Tartarus. I also learned that Percy and Annabeth went through Tartarus together

My mom visited me in a dream last night.

"Veronica! Percy and Annabeth brought you to camp last night right?" She asked.

"Yeah, thanks for claiming quickly" I thanked her.

"How could I not, you shipped Percabeth ever since you met Percy. You take after me, Percabeth is my OTP" Aphrodite gushed. "But, be warned. Gary will not stop until he gets Annabeth, or gets her to think that Percy is a bad person." She told me.

"What if we get Annabeth to act like a really mean girl and Gary doesn't like her anymore? And Percy acts like he broke up with Annabeth?" I asked.

"And you're smart too. A spitting image of me" With that, Aphrodite faded out of my dream and I woke up to Piper shaking me awake.

"Get up. It's breakfast time" she told me.

I liked Piper. Some of the Aphrodite kids were stuck up and obsessed with their makeup and how they looked. Piper was nice to me last night when I got claimed. She made sure that everyone welcomed me. Lacy and Mitchell were nice to me too.

"Fine" I rolled out of bed, forgetting I was on the top bunk, and falling to the ground.

"Uhhhh" I groaned.

Piper tried to hold back her laughter. "Are you ok?" She helped me up.

"Is 'no, but please leave me alone to take a nap of shame' an acceptable answer?" I asked.

"I will give you 5 minutes" Piper walked out of the cabin.

Gary POV:

Something shady is going on. Percy, Annabeth, and Veronica missed school yesterday without telling anyone. Veronica's dad said that she didn't even go home last night.

Percy probably kidnapped the girls and is hiding them in his basement right now.

Well... He lives in an apartment and he doesn't have a basement. And... it's technically Annabeth's house too... But still! He probably forced Annabeth to kidnap Veronica against her will.

I gotta call the cops! I took out my phone and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Two of my friends have gone missing," I told her.

"Ok, when and where did you last see them?" She asked.

"I saw them two days ago at school" I answered.

"What are your friend's names?" She asked.

"Annabeth Chase and Veronica Hawkins" I said. "But, I think they were kidnapped"

"Is that so?" I could almost hear her rolling her eyes through the phone.

"Yes, I think they were kidnapped by another kid, Annabeth's boyfriend"

"What is your evidence?" She asked.

"Uhh, umm, he seems shady?" I said uncertainly.

"Mhmm, what school do they all go to?" She asked.

"San Fran" I answered.

"Ok, we will check the security cameras and find out what we can"

"Oh, and one last thing, can you find out where Annabeth and Percy live?"

Beep. How rude! She hung up on me!


Percy POV:

It was nice to come back to CHB and see some of my friends again. It's sad that we have to go back to school today.

"Percy!" Veronica came running up to me.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"My mom told me in a dream that Gary isn't going to stop trying to break you and Annabeth apart"

"That isn't good news" stated the obvious.

"Well, we came up with a plan. You and Annabeth will pretend to break up because Annabeth started being mean to people. Then, Annabeth will be mean to Gary and he might stop liking her. Of course, you and Annabeth would still be dating in secret, as long as Gary doesn't know" she explained.

"So me and Annabeth pretend to break up, and Annabeth is mean to Gary?" I summarized.

"Yeah. Just make sure you make the breakup be big, and everyone in school hears about it"

"Well, will I still sit with you guys at lunch? I don't have any other friends" I pointed out.

"You're cute and you can swim. Hang out with the popular kids" She told me.

"Did you talk to Annabeth about this? We do live with each other still, so how can either of us have friends over? There are so many things wrong with this plan"

"Aphrodite said that it was the only way. We'll figure it out as we go," Veronica said as she walked away. "I'm gonna go find Annabeth so we can go" she yelled over her shoulder.

"This is ludacris" I groaned.


Gary POV:

I waited by Annabeth's locker to see if she would show up today. After wating for 10 minutes, I saw her. "Annabeth! Are you ok?" I asked her as she walked over to her locker.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She asked.

"You missed school yesterday along with Percy and Veronica. I thought you might have been kidnapped or something" I explained.

"Gary, I wasn't kidnapped, the three of us just decided to take a day off and hang out at me and Percy's apartment. Chill"

"Why didn't you invite me or Brian?" I asked.

"Veronica and I just wanted to spend some time together, have a sleepover at my apartment. But, Percy lives there too so her was there" She explained.

"Oh, i should probably call off the search for you guys" I muttered.

"You organized a search!" She yelled at me.

"Yeah, I'll just call it off and tell them that you're ok" I pulled out my phone and called 911.

On some chapters, I might start asking you guys (and girls) questions that you can answer in the comments just to see how you want the story to go.

-Do you like longer or shorter chapters?/ Did you dislike this chapter because it was long

-Will the plan work?

I found a way to write faster, so tell me if this chapter was good or not.

Thx for all the votes, reads, and comments!


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