Chapter 17

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Annabeth POV:

I walked into school prepared to take up with Percy when I was pulled into the janitor's closet.  I turned around to see who pulled me in when I saw Veronica.  

"Umm, why did you pull me into here?" I asked.  

"I need to talk to you about this whole breakup thing with you and Percy" she said.  "Last night, I thought about the plan, and I realized that you and Percy shouldn't have to fake breakup just because of Gary"

"Ok? So what do we do instead?" I had no idea where Veronica was going with this.  

"Ignore and avoid are our best options" Veronica stated.  

"Ok, whatever.  I'll go tell Percy that the plan is off" I opened the door and walked to Percy's locker.  

"Apparently, the plan is off" I told Percy as I leaned against a locker.  

"I honestly don't care.  As long as we get to live in peace" Percy sighed.  

"Welp, just two more years and we can move to New Rome together and go to college" 

"Why can't we just be normal?" Percy pouted.  "Why do people find us so AMAZING" Percy did ome sarcastic jazz hands.  

"Have you ever thought that being half god makes us really hot?" I asked.  

"Did you just call me hot?" Percy said with fake surprise.  I smacked his arm.  

"I wouldn't get cocky.  You still drool in your sleep" Percy looked taken aback.  

"You watch me sleep too?" 

"Maybe, but I'm going to class" I walked away.  

Natalya POV:

Selena moved to a different country the same day Percy, Annabeth, and Veronica disappeared. When she left, I became the queen bee, and I HATE having power. Everyone wants to be my friend now, and I have minions, who don't really want to be my friend. It's horrible. I can't even get a real boyfriend, they all just want to be able to say that they dated the popular girl. The only reason I do it is because my parents expect me to be popular.

I'm super envious of this girl named Annabeth. She has friends, a great boyfriend, and she has good grades.  That's the kind of life I want. I like math, but my parents told me that I'm not allowed to like math since I'm popular.

I decided to go up to her today and ask her how she gets her life to be so perfect. I walked over to her locker and saw her talking to her boyfriend.

"Hi Annabeth. Can I talk to you alone?" I asked. She looked over at Percy with an eyebrow raised and he just shrugged.

"Sure" she replied. "Wanna go to the library?"

"That works" we walked to the library awkardly.

"I want to be more like you" I blurted out.  

This is a late update, but I've been kind of busy.  Let me know what should happen in the next chapter.  What will Annabeth say?

Percabeth In High School *Finally Finished!!*Where stories live. Discover now