Chapter 23

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~casual time skip to after winter break~

Percy POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night to Annabeth getting out of bed to go to the bathroom.  I rolled over a spread out of the bed so there was no more space for her.  

After a few minutes, I was already half asleep when Annabeth came back and jumped my stomach, catching me by surprise. 

"Move over Seaweed Brain, I need to get a good night's sleep if I'm gonna do well in school tomorrow," she said, poking me.   

Ughhh, school.  I'm not ready for winter break to be over. 

"Nooo," I whined.   

"Fine," Annabeth said, starting to get up. "I'll sleep in the guest bedroom by myself"

I wrapped my arms around Annabeth so she couldn't leave.  "Fine, I'll scoot over" I moved back over the left side of the bed and curled up so I could sleep.  


Percy POV:

Beep! Beep! Beep!  I woke up to the sound of Annabeth's alarm clock at 6:30 a.m.

"It's too early to be awake" I grumbled.  Ignoring me, Annabeth hopped out of bed and grabbed some clothes to change into.  

As she went into the bathroom to change, I rolled out of bed and pulled gray sweatpants and a hoodie out of the closet.   I quickly put them on and walked into the hallway to the kitchen.  

I opened the freezer and took out the eggo waffles.  I put two in the toaster and sat down at the island and waited for them to cook.  

Annabeth walked down the hallway with a water bottle in one hand and sat down in the stool next to me.  I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and she leaned into me.  

"Are you excited for school?" I asked.  

"No, I hate school," Annabeth muttered.  

"But I thought you liked to learn.  I mean you are Athena's daughter," I stated confused.  

"Yea," She said taking her head off of my shoulder.  "I like to learn, I hate school.  At school, learning isn't fun unless you have friends. Which is stupid.  Everyone is fighting in an invisible popularity contest and I hate it,"

"Fair enough," I got up and pulled my waffles out of the toaster.  I turned around and Annabeth choked on her water. 

"Are you ok?" I asked.  

Annabeth turned red.  "Nothing, I'm fine," she stated quickly.   "Are you ready to go?"

"Umm, yeah.  Are you sure you're ok?" I was genuinely concerned about her.  

"I'm fine.  Let's just go," 


3rd Person POV:

"Alrighty class, welcome back from your break!" Mr. Alpin said (he's the teacher).  "In a few weeks, you will each reenact a Greek myth.   You will be split into groups for this project. The number of people per group will vary based on the myth"

"Percy, which myth do you want to do?" Annabeth asked.  

Percy smirked.  "Perseus, the greatest hero to ever live," he said.  

"Or we could do Medusa, because both Poseidon and Athena are in it" Annabeth pointed out.  

"Do you really want to reenact my dad having sex with Medusa in front of the class?" Percy asked.  

"Not at all.  But, a bunch of people are going to do Perseus, since it's well known" Annabeth said.  "We could do Psyche's myth.  She was always my favorite and it's not commonly talked about"

"Sure" Percy shrugged.  

Yay!! A late chapter that you were begging me to do.  Someone even threatened to throw me into Tartarus and aim for the empousai if I didn't update.   

Anyway, what's your favorite greek myth? Mine is Psyche because she is a badass and fought for what she wanted.  

The play was Artistic_Halfblood 's idea.  Leave me suggestions for fture chapters in the comments and I will add some of them into the story.

I love you guys,


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