Chapter 9

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Percy POV:

Brian just invited us to ice skate after school with the rest of Annabeth's friends. 

"We are all going to drive there separately since we didn't all come to school together" Brian explained.  "I'll text you guys the address" Brian went to text us (Leo made monster proof phones) when he realized that he didn't have my number.  "What's your number Percy?" he asked.  

"Uhh, I don't actually know" I responded trying to find my phone in the sea of stuff called my backpack.  

"It's (insert random number here)" Annabeth answered for me.  

"Why would you know that?  Your phone remembers these things for you so you don't have to" I told Annabeth.  She rolled her eyes.  

"It's helpful if I lose my phone and need to call someone, then I can call whoever I need because I know their number" She explained to me.  

"Anyway, I am going to add Percy to our group's group chat so we can just text all of us at once" Brian said as he ran off to his own car.  "See you in an hour and a half"

Annabeth and I got in the car and I started driving home so we could change into warmer clothes.  


Gary POV: 

I got to the ice rink late because my mom made me help her with the groceries.  She's so ANNOYING sometimes.  

When I got to the rink, everyone was talking on the bench.  Annabeth smacked Percy's arm after he said something, and he just laughed.  Ugh, he probably insulted her and hurt her feelings.  If he keeps this up, I might not have to do anything to break them up, he'll do it all on his own.  

I swaggily walked over to the bench and sat down next to Brian.  As I sat down, everyone bursted out in laughter.  

"What, was, that, walk?" Ro said inbetween laughs.  

"Yeah, you looked like you had thorns in your shoes" Veronica giggled.  

"And, the look on your face, it looked like you were doing to chubby bunny challenge," Brian said.  

"Whatever guys" I rolled my eyes.  

"Hey guys, let's go skate" Percy proposed, changing the subject.  They all went over to the ice and started skating while I went to get my skates.  

When I set foot on the ice, it was slippery, so I fell on my butt.  I got up and brushed it off as if nothing happened.  I slowly made my way to the railing and waited for the rest of my friends to come over.  

I watched as Percy skated with ease.  He may be better than me at skating, but I was going to win Annabeth over.  

Annabeth POV:

The second we got on the ice, Percy was skating really well.  I wasn't as good at it, but I was okay.  I worked my way over to where Percy was and asked him, "Have you ever ice skated before?"

"Nope, but I guess since ice is a form of water, I'm just naturally good at it" he responded tossing his imaginary hair.  

"Whatever, but can you help me do a trick on the ice?" I asked. 

"Sure! So first you turn one skate the way you want it to go, and you push off with the other one (I suck at ice skating, so this is probably not how you do it.  do not, I repeat DO NOT take ice skating lessons from me if you want to succeed)"

I tried to do what Percy showed me, but I pushed off too hard and I fell on top of Percy, bringing both of us down.    

"Whoa, maybe not that hard," Percy said.

"Sorry" I responded. 

"It's ok, I like cuddling with you" Percy helped me up.  

"You are the best boyfriend ever.  But we should probably go to where the others are" I pointed out.  

"I know, I am awesome" Percy bragged. 

Brian POV:

Percy and Annabeth skated over to where Veronica, Ro and I were.  

"We should probably go over to where Gary is, he seems to be having some trouble skating" I suggested.  We all went over to where Gary was.  

"Do you need help skating?" Ro asked.  

"NO!  I'm the best skater ever!" Gary tried to show off some skaig tricks, but he only gt 2 feet before he fell.  

"It seems to me like you need help," Percy said, offering Gary a hand up.  

"I don't need help from a cheater like you!" Gary swatted his hand away.  

"Cheater?" Percy raised an eyebrow in amusement.  

"Don't play coy with me.  Everyone knows you have a secret relationship with Selena!" He spat. 

Percy raised both eyebrows this time.  "First of all, it's not a secret relationship if everyone knows about it.  And second, if I have a secret relationship with Selena, it's a secret to even me" Percy responded while everyone else (including me) glared at Gary fiercely.  

"Don't say things about people that aren't true Gary" Annabeth said.  "Come on Percy, let's go home" Annabeth turned on her heel and dragged Percy with her out of the rink, the rest of us following and leaving Gary alone.  

Yay! Another chapter.  It was @KestraDallisor who came up with the idea for Annabeth to fall on Percy.  If you guys leave comments, I will do my best to include your idea in the fanfic. 

You are all amazing, 


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