4. Crushed

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Cyrus had met up with Tj. They walked in and saw that the teacher wasn't there. In the seat was instead a substitute who had the brightest shade of blonde as hair. They peeked and saw her phone as she was going through her feed. The substitute being there most likely meant people would be skipping the class and going out to the nearest Mcdonalds. Silence filled the room and TJ contemplated skipping the class and just going somewhere with Cyrus but ultimately decided against it, wanting to talk to him since they hadn't had a full conversation in a while. He sat down in the seat that was facing the door and Cyrus sat right across from him. They sat there for about five minutes not saying anything. Tj just stared at him with tired eyes, watching him text whoever and scrolling through whatever.
"Hey," the silence came to an end as he spoke the first few words, his smile spreading wide across his face.
"Hey," he looked up from his phone looking into the glimmering green eyes that were searching his. This lasted a good minute before he looked down again which earned him a sigh from the boy in front of him.
"Underdog, let's talk. We barely talk or hangout anymore."
"Well that's because you always hangout with your, oh so lovely, girlfriend Kira." He said it with slight anger which lucky for him,TJ hadn't caught. As far as he knew, she was an angel. But under that 'angel' was a devil in disguise, manipulating and threatening anyone who looked or even thought about him. His thoughts were interrupted with the arrival of a new voice.
"Hey where's the rest of the class."
TJ's body stiffened as he sat up and eyed the blonde boy approaching. He sat down and placed his left arm around Cyrus, tapping him and giving him the best smile he could offer.
"Hey Reed. What's up?" Cyrus was intrigued by his blue eyes which always seemed to shimmer and now even more so since he was sitting in direct sunlight. He was an angel and looked the part. The only other guy Cyrus had ever had eyes for was Jonah. That crush had gone away once they had started high school.
"Nothing much, Cy. Just thought I'd hang out with you and T here. Me and the guys were about to go get burgers but I told them later since I thought I'd come see you first."
  "Maybe you should've gone." TJ spoke but to no response. They hadn't heard him or were even paying attention. Reed was too busy whispering in Cyrus' ear to which he would giggle, further boiling TJ's blood.
His thoughts were once again interrupted by another voice, but now by one that he was more comfortable around.
"Hey baby," Kira came and gave TJ a peck on the cheek.
"Hey Kira." He sounded dead, which made Kira feel some way. She just stared at him and finally made a move. She kissed him on his lips. He realized what was happening and he began to kiss back. The small kisses turned into a full on make-out session that resulted in heavy panting coming from both of them. TJ opened his eye and peeked over to check if Cyrus was looking but to his surprise he wasn't looking like he had been at lunch. Instead he was covering his face while Reed was kissing down his neck. He pushed himself away from Kira. He stood up, banging the chair into the wall and causing the desk to make a loud sound which made the brunette and the blonde turn to face him. He stared Reed down and looked at Cyrus with longing eyes before storming out of the classroom.
Kira looked at them and smiled giving Cyrus a dirty look before running off to chase after TJ. She found him about to enter the bathroom before she stopped him.
"What's your problem. Did I do something or was it something you saw," She came to a stop, a smirk forming on her lips. She had been watching him from the outside of the classroom. She had wanted to see if her suspicions were correct and so far, she thought she knew something he didn't want her to know.
"No it was nothing. I just didn't feel too good. I needed some air," he bent over, holding onto his knees as he looked up at Kira, who had an evil look in her eyes. He hadn't noticed before but it was becoming more clear how mean she looked.
"Are you sure it wasn't because Cyrus and Reed were fooling around? You didn't feel some type of way towards that?"
"It's not. Wait- Kira...what're you implying."
"I'm not implying anything TJ! I'm stating facts. You like Cyrus. I saw the way you were looking at him when you guys were alone. It's a look you never once gave me. You like him. You and I both know it."
He shook his head rapidly, denying everything she was stating. He hadn't even thought about Cyrus like that. He couldn't. Cyrus was a boy and so was he so he couldn't have a crush on him. But Kira saying it out loud and seeing Cyrus with Reed got him thinking. He was hurting, and he didn't know how to feel. They stood there in silence as his inner thoughts were going to war. Why were feelings complicated. He knew he didn't like Cyrus, but the more he denied it, the bigger his headache got and the more unsure he felt about his own feelings.
"No I don't. I don't like Cyrus. I like you. I like us. I'm not gay. Please." He began running his hands through his hair. Was he overreacting? He didn't know, but he just wanted to believe and for Kira to believe that he wasn't gay and that he didn't like Cyrus in more than just a friend way.
Kira stared at him, not knowing how to feel.
"If you don't like him like that, stop hanging out with him. Drop him."
"Of course, baby, I only have eyes for you. I won't be near Cyrus again.I'll forget all about him." Their hands intertwined as their foreheads rested on each other. They closed their eyes, enjoying the silence. That lasted a whole 5 minutes before the dismissal bell began to ring non stop. They pulled apart and began to walk back to the classroom. That's when something outside of the room they had been in caught his eye. Reed had Cyrus pinned against the wall, their lips smashing against each other. His heart dropped. He thought he had convinced Kira that he didn't like Cyrus, but could he convince himself? This was messing up his mind. Did TJ Kippen actually have a crush on Cyrus?

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