10. Face to Face: Part 2

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  -20 Minutes Later-

     Finally. There it was. The large black and grey house, standing tall and intimidatingly. No matter how many times he had come over, the house still always scared him a bit. He didn't know what it was about it, but there was something there. He walked up the stairs, ringing the doorbell, expecting for the house's floor to consume him and trap him, never to be heard from again. The door opened and he came face to face with a girl who he had seen around the school, but never at TJ's house.
   "Hey, how can I help you. Are you the exterminator? The plumber? The electrician?" she spoke rapidly, Cyrus trying to keep up with what she was saying.
    "Uh no actually, I—"
   "I was joking. The name is Amber. I'm guessing you're here to see my brother?"
   "Yes actually. Is he here, because if he's not I don't want to intrude. Really. I could just go home. I don't know why I'm here." She giggled, grabbing his arm and pulling him all the way up the stairs stopping at a white door with a chalkboard hung up that read 'TJ.' He gulped staring at the door.
'Was it too late to go home. I don't  even know if TJ wants to see me. Wait a minute. Why am I nervous. I should be angry with the kid for not showing up. He promised.'
   "TJ someone's here to see you."
   "I don't care, Amber. I wanna sleep right now."
  "I guess that means go in. But be careful, he's a biter."
    Cyrus opened the door, his anger slowly rising. He entered, finding TJ wrapped up in blankets laying down, watching some Youtube video and not even acknowledging his presence.
   "This is what you spent your whole week doing? Just laying around?"
   His head snapped back, facing a now fully angry Cyrus. He had waited for him all week, like a puppy waiting for his owner to get back, while he was here laying down, all worry free. It's like he hadn't thought about the kiss as much as Cyrus had. He wasn't stressing the way Cyrus had been. He didn't even care.
    "I—yea. Hey Cyrus how're you." He unwrapped himself, getting up and sprinting towards the other boy.
   "Don't 'Hey Cyrus' me. You broke a promise and all you did was stay home all week? I waited for you to come so we could talk! You had me worried about you."
   "I wanted to talk but I needed a break from school. Plus my parents aren't home. They're gone until next week. Sorry."
   "And that's why you haven't been answering any of my texts? Ok TJ." He walked over to the door, closing it so his sister wouldn't hear them and come up.
    "I have no excuse. I'm sorry Underdog."
  "Whatever TJ. I'm gonna go"
    "Wait please don't. We can talk now. About whatever." He pleaded, grabbing Cyrus' hand, staring deeply into his eyes.
   "Alright. Let's talk." He took a seat on his bed while Tj looked for a shirt to put on.

'He looks nice. Why'd he have to go look for one. I'm fine with how you look now. TJ PLEASE.'

"Why'd you do it?" It came out suddenly, earning him a chuckle and smirk from TJ.
    "Do what?"
  "You know exactly what Kippen." He came over, finally sitting next to Cyrus sliding a black t-shirt over his body.
   "I honestly don't know. I just felt I had to do it. No big deal."
  "TJ no big deal? It was a big deal. You kissed me out of nowhere. After you said all those things. It couldn't have been just nothing."
   "Why, Cyrus. Why do you keep insisting I must've felt something. It was probably you who felt something."
    "I thought I did, but it was nothing. Probably just hormones being hormones. I should be going home now." He looked away and grabbed his things, making his way to the door.
   "Cyrus wait. I did feel something. I did it for a reason. I liked you. I had the urge to do it. I was hesitating doing it but I did. I don't regret it. It was magical."
    "I-I still have to go home. My mom is bound to text or call any moment." TJ walked up to Cyrus quickly, grabbing the door handle, pinning him up against the door. He stared before he finally smashed his lips against Cyrus'. This time the kiss was rough. He had missed the one kiss they shared and wanted to make up for it. Every emotion he had felt since the kiss, every kiss he imagined they should've shared, all pent up, and being put into this kiss. Cyrus managed to kiss back roughly, not wanting to waste a single second. He ran his hands through TJ's hair who was pushing his body against his. They rotated and began moving towards the bed. Cyrus fell back giggling, while they continued kissing. TJ hovered over him, pulling off the shirt that Cyrus was hoping he wouldn't put on. He held onto Cyrus never once stopping while he continued playing with his soft fluffy dirty blonde hair.
TJ continued kissing down, stopping at his neck, which he bit and sucked on lightly, leaving behind what would become a hickie, but they didn't care. They were living in the moment and enjoying every second of it. Once he realized what he was doing, Cyrus began to push TJ off.
"TJ wait, stop. Get off." They finally stopped, after ten minutes to catch their breath.
"What's wrong? Did I do something?"
"Yes you did. You started this whole thing. Oh god what did I do. Ugh."
"Cyrus calm down. We didn't do anything too serious."
"Yea well I did. This is bad. I have a boyfriend. Crap what am I gonna tell him." TJ sighed running a hand through his hair before placing his face in his hands.
"Right, Reed. Well you should get going. We don't want anyone to worry about you."
  "Right, sure. I will—uh—see you on Monday. Go to school this time TJ! Please."
   "I'll be there, I promise. See you on Monday, Underdog."
    They smiled, Cyrus walking out and TJ falling back onto his bed, both of them having nothing on their minds but the passionate moment they had shared. Monday would surely be quite interesting.

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