17. i missed you

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      The staring had gotten more intense. TJ stood there, staring without a word. Cyrus finally pushed past him, grabbing his arm and pulling him to his room.

   "Cyrus wait."

"I've needed to talk to you. Well I saw you today and wanted to talk and I just had to come over."

"Cyrus!" He finally stopped in his tracks, outside his room giving him a chance to speak. "I didn't ask you to come here. I don't want to speak to you. You think just because you come over, after 2 months of not talking, that we'd be all buddy buddy?"

"TJ. I told you I was sorry. I at least made an effort to talk to you. I missed you and you don't talk to anyone. You've barely made friends after you quit the team. You only ever talk to that guy Lester. Tell me what's wrong."

He pushed past him entering his room, and closing the door behind him. Cyrus entered behind crossing his arm, staring at TJ who wouldn't even face him.

'Had it really come to this. Had I hurt him that much. I missed him but I didn't think he'd be this stubborn to talk. Well of course he'd be Cyrus. You dropped him faster then he came.'

He sat down next to TJ who was facing down, trying his hardest not to cry. He felt lost. He had no one but Amber and even she was busy trying to get their affairs in order.

"TJ come on. Speak to me. Don't forget I never stopped being your friend. What's wrong, I can help you."

"I-I." Tears began to fall, and soon this turned into full sobbing. He turned to Cyrus hugging him and crying into his chest. Cyrus' heart broke into millions of pieces, rubbing his head and feeling the pain radiating off of him. "I'm so confused. I miss my parents. I miss them Cyrus. I loved them. I wish they were here. It's my fault they're not here. God I should have saved them. I could've. And then it hurts to be lonely sometimes. It's like I have no one. Oh and then you. God, Cyrus I missed you."

   "TJ stop. It's not your fault your parents aren't here. No one could have predicted this. And you're not lonely. I'm here for you. I will always be here for you."

   "Yea until Reed finds out and you have to go on another 2 month hiatus." He backed up, wiping a tear only to be replaced by another. He had finally gotten what he needed to get out. He had attempted to hold back his tears as long as possible, proving to be difficult every time he went to sleep.

  "I don't care. Reed can't tell me what to do. My best friend is hurting and clearly needs me by his side. That's more important. Reed will just have to understand."

  He reached for his hand, squeezing it tight as TJ let the rest of his emotions out. They sat there, both of their minds running wild. One sulking in pain and the other sulking over the pain the other was in.

  "Can you stay over. We could watch a movie. I'm pretty sure Amber's gonna be staying with my grandparents tonight and I don't feel like being alone. I mean it's ok if you don't want to."

  "Sure. I'll pick the movie. You go get the food and stuff."

He weakly smiled and dove off, leaving Cyrus to pick from the many movies Netflix had to offer. Halfway through the search his phone vibrated, displaying a message from Reed.

R: Where are you. You ran out and I didn't even get a chance to catch up.

C: I had something to do. Emergency.

R: We could meet up when you're done. Pls let's hang out.

C: Maybe tomorrow. I'm pretty busy tonight.

R: You sure? I could come help with whatever.

C: No Reed. I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow and we'll do whatever you want.

R: Fine. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

He finally put his phone down, settling on watching Twilight. TJ walked in with snacks, laying his body next to Cyrus'. The warmth of their body could be felt between each other. Cyrus leaned in sleepily, laying his head on TJ's chest. Everything slowly became pitch black. Their eyes slowly closed and soon they were asleep, safe and soundly the movie left playing in the background.

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