7. Unforgettable

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"What'd he say? Was he nice?" Andi spoke first, asking with great concern in her voice.
   "Did he touch you? Do we need to beat him up? I'm up for anything." Buffy continued on with the questions.
"Yes he was nice. All he did was apologize talked a little. And no you don't have to beat him up." He leaned into Reed's shoulder, who then gave him a big wet kiss on the cheek.
    "You didn't forgive him did you?" Reed was next in line to start asking questions.
    "No but I'm going to, I think. He is—was—maybe is my best friend after all."
   "You can't forgive him Cyrus. Not after what he said to you. That was unforgivable."
    "Reed, it was a mistake, a slip up. He's not in a good place and he didn't mean what he said." All he could do was stare at Reed.
    "But he said it nonetheless. You're gonna forgive him, and he'll think it's ok to say it again. He won't learn anything."
   "He won't. He knows he can't say it and he won't say it again. It might've just happen but he'll learn. TJ isn't a bad guy. He just stuck with the wrong people and made a bad decision that's all."
   "Whatever, if you want to forgive that loser after everything he said to you, go right ahead. I'll be here once all that goes wrong." Reed had fully removed his arm by this point, crossing them and facing forward towards Andi who hadn't said a word the whole time.
     "I kind of agree with Reed here. How can you just forgive him that easily. He'd need to make the best apology for you to forgive him that easily."
     Cyrus stood up, grabbing his things from the floor. He just stared at them, while looking for the right words to say.
    "I have to go do homework. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
    "Cyrus wait, please don't go."
    The sky was a mix of colors. Orange, yellow blue all indicating that the sun was soon to set. Cyrus made his way down the sidewalk, making his way to the park, taking in the fresh air. Shops were closing and he felt his body closing too. It had been a long day, one of the longest in awhile. Soon enough, he was there. He hadn't noticed how much he walked, getting caught up in all his thoughts and his imagination. He ran to the swing set throwing his things down and sitting softly pushing himself. Was it weird for a sophomore in high school to be on the swings without having a little child next to him? Cyrus shrugged. He didn't care anymore. All he wanted to do was swing and calm down. Sometimes it felt like the universe was against him. A point of peace and quiet had been reached, when leaves started crunching, and footsteps began to get closer. A black shadow began running up behind him and frightening him, causing his soul to fly out of his body and into another dimension.
    "What the fu—ugh." Cyrus flew out of his seat, landing on his back, scratching his head in pain and confusion. Around him, laughter erupted an out of control TJ being the source of it.
    "TJ what the fu—ugh. What the hell."
   "Your reaction was priceless." he pulled him in for a hug, but instead of being hugged back, he was pushed away, an angry red faced Cyrus staring deep into his soul, putting a curse on him so he would suffer for the rest of his life.
     "C'mon Underdog I was joking. Just having fun."
   "Of course you were. Take your games somewhere else. I'm not in the mood for your horseplay." He sat back in his swing, being joined in the other by TJ. He stared down at the grass, once again being consumed by his own thoughts.
    "Why is that. Did something happen? Besides me scaring you. Are you good?"
    "It's just—ugh. I just had an argument with Reed and Buffy. About you actually. They didn't think I should forgive you."
    "Oh that. I apologized. I meant it. If I could take it back I would, in a heartbeat. I could talk to them."
    "I said you said that and I don't think you should they're not the biggest TJ fans right now."
    "I guess but I truly meant it. I shouldn't have said it and I won't ever say it again." He reached his hand over grabbing Cyrus'. With everything that was going on, Cyrus didn't feel it but TJ felt something. Inside his heart, tiny sparks flew, fireworks going off. His heart skipped a beat. He felt warm and soft and happy doing this, even if the other person hadn't noticed or was even paying attention.
   "That's what I said but I don't know. I didn't want to admit but they made some good points. I don't know that. If I forgive you, it's like saying what you said is ok as long as you just say sorry. There's no guarantee you won't say anything like that again."
   "I'm in a bad place. I learned from what I said. Sure it happened a few hours ago but I learned. I don't want to hurt you and I'm not gonna say anything like that again. I'm sorry, again."
   "I want to believe you Teej. How do I know you're gonna change. How do I know you're not gonna stay the same."
    TJ let go of his hand, walking over to Cyrus. So many thoughts were running through his head. He was mentally beating himself up over what he had said. He was think about what he was to do next. Was he ready? Did he really want to go through with this. He wasn't really sure and he didn't care much for what was to come after. All he really cared about was the now.
    Suddenly, TJ pushed himself forwards, letting his lips smash into Cyrus'. The sparks were more that tiny now. They were enormous. The butterflies in his stomach were erupting and it felt as if time had just stopped. Cyrus took, a second before kissing back. This wasn't like any kiss he had before. The kiss became tougher, something magical. They pulled apart, gasping for some air. Their eyes began to shine bright in the light of the showing moon. They stared at each other, not wanting to look away. There had never been anything like it. The kiss was unforgettable.

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