2. the muffin

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         The tour had taken longer than Cyrus anticipated all because Buffy wanted to kill some time and walk around the school. He groaned all the way which earned him a glare from Buffy and more chuckles from TJ.
      "You can always go back to class if you're so bored here. I'm sure you're just dying to go to biology." Cyrus straightened out and caught up to them, refusing to go into that class.
      "You know, on second thought this seems like so much fun."
      He faked a smile as they all walked into the gym. Buffy ran up to a basketball and shot it making it straight into the hoop.
"I don't mean to pat myself on the back, but I'm kind of the best at this."
     "Nice shot Driscoll, but I think I can do better," TJ smirked grabbing a ball making a slam dunk. He jumped around faking a crowd cheer and chanting his own name.
    'TJ! TJ! TJ!'
     "That was ok I guess. You play a lot?"
     "Yea actually. First ever freshman to be captain of the basketball team so you could say I'm awesome. Actually no better than awesome."
    "Wow your ego must be real hungry." Cyrus' eyes widened. He thought he had said that in his head but turns out the things that come out of his mouth are another thing he has no control over. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm just upset. I can never win at life."
     TJ chuckled at Cyrus' problem again. "Is this still about that muffin someone took?" Cyrus scoffed and walked away, sitting in the bleachers as a game started between Buffy and TJ.

                        ~   30 Minutes Later   ~

         Lunchtime finally came and everyone was happy. That was everyone except Cyrus. Buffy had invited TJ to sit with them at their lunch table as much as Cyrus refused. He didn't know what had gotten to him. He usually didn't act this. That guy he had encountered must have really shaken him. He ignored all the 'heys' and 'hi's' from the table and lay his head down not wanting to speak to anyone.
"Cyrus?" Andi kept poking him with no reaction. "What's wrong with him?"
Buffy sighed staring at him, "His muffin got stolen and TJ said it was no big deal and you know how big of a deal his muffins are." she spoke in a sarcastic tone which Cyrus caught onto.
     "It was my muffin! They most definitely are a big deal. You know how much I love my muffins." he was on the verge of tears and lay his head back down as he saw TJ make his way back to their table.
       He sat right next to Cyrus which earned him an eye roll from him. His mood changed as he started sniffing around him. His head lifted, staring at the muffin TJ was holding out for him.
"This is for you, underdog. Now you have one win for today."
"Really? For me?" he smiled widely at him and reached for the muffin. Moaning and devouring ensued and in the blink of an eye, the muffin was gone and deep within Cyrus' stomach.
"Thanks TJ. " he wrapped his arms around the tall boy in appreciation for the muffin he had gotten from him.
"It was no problem. If anyone takes your muffin again, tell me and I'll take care of them personally and bake you a dozen muffins."
       Cyrus looked up at him, finally letting go from the hug. "You can bake? I hope you can because I'm sure craving more muffins right now."
     "I actually can't but I just said that hoping no one steals your muffin again." He messed his hair up as they continued a conversation as a group. Cyrus began to think, not paying attention to the conversation that was going on around him. 'Maybe TJ wasn't so bad after all. Maybe'
Cyrus shared his last three periods with TJ, the last class being his favorite: English. They sat next to each other and waited in silence for the teacher. Mr. Link was late most of the time and no one knew why. They had all gotten so used to it so no one asked questions or even cared if he came in late. They just used the time to talk to their friends or catch up on sleep they lost.
     "Hey underdog, wanna play never have I ever?" TJ whispered making Cyrus look up from his phone. He nodded and stuffed his phone into his pocket and faced him getting ready to play when a voice which he had come to dispise started screeching.
      "Hey you're the new kid, right?" The girl asked TJ  to which he nodded, his signature wide perfect smile being shown off. She stuck her hand out, waiting for him to shake it. She stood tall and proudly, pushing her chest out a little. They were half covered by the leather jacket she wore which matched her leather combat boots she was rocking.
     "I'm Kira. Kira Banks. Oh hey Cyrus I didn't see you there."
    "Hey Kira, can you go away?"
   "Ha ha, funny as usual Cyrus."
      "I wasn't joking Kira."
  Just as Kira was about to reply, Mr. Link walked in forcing her to sit down and drop the arguing. TJ was paying no attention to the quarrel in front of him and smiles at Kira.
      "Alright class we have a new student here today so can TJ Kippen please stand up?"
      TJ stood up and waved to everyone. Kira stared at him with big heart eyes along with a few other girls. His green shirt brought out the color in his eyes. His jeans were loose, worn with blue shoes to go along with it.
     "Everyone get into pairs and Justine will hand out your assignments. They will be due by Tuesday next week. Everyone do your thing."
     TJ stood up and grabbed his things.
    "Be my partner, TJ?"
   "Oh uh, do you mind if I partner up with Kira? I just wanna go talk to more people and try to make more friends."
"Of course, go right ahead."
       Cyrus sighed looking over at Kira who was overly excited. He disliked Kira, no scratch that, he hated Kira. He looked around trying to find someone who wasn't taken. He didn't like his options. The people were either dumb or they just wouldn't do anything.
     "Hey Cyrus right?" Cyrus looked up and saw blonde hair but being blinded by the light right above him.
      "Yes why?" He stood up and came face to face with Reed who was smiling at him. His smile sparkled among many others and could light up an entire room.
    "Be my partner? Don't worry, I actually will do fifty-percent of the work." He looked around one more time finding no other better option. Reed was known for being good at english and had one of the highest averages. Cyrus looked back at him with a smile nodding his head.

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