13. Impossible

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First period ended, and there she stood waiting patiently. Kira turned her head, trying to spot Reed from the many kids walking out. Finally he walked out last, spotting and trying to avoid Kira.

"Reed, wait up." She slipped towards him, the news she had putting her in a good mood.

"What do you want, Kira."
"Aww. Why do you treat me so, so harsh babe. I didn't do anything wrong."

"I don't want to talk to you. Go find your guy or a guy. You're good at that."

"Reed, it was one guy and be careful before history repeats itself." He finally came to a stop, facing her with a confused expression.

"What're you talking about Kira. I'm genuinely confused right now."

"Goodman is cheating on you. Open your eyes. He was making out with TJ this morning, by the lockers.

"You're lying. He's not like that. He wouldn't do that." He tried convincing himself, but the moment in which Cyrus and TJ were staring at each other began to cross his mind.

"You said that about me and look at us. I did it and now he's doing it. You need to put a stop to it. I tried to help you, as a loving ex but if you want to continue your relationship with that cheater then go right ahead. But don't say I didn't warn you."

She leaned over and kissed his cheek before walking off, leaving a confused Reed behind, alone with his thoughts.

   'Is he really capable. I've known him for a long time and he just doesn't seem. Ugh. She's probably trying to get in your head Ree. Don't let her. She manipulated you once, don't let her do it again.'

Hey cy. Meet me in the bathroom on the 2nd floor? pls

   Cyrus: uh, sure i guess

    He sighed not knowing what to think. Kira has sounded genuine but it wouldn't be the first time she made up a big lie. One time in freshman year, she failed a test and accused her algebra teacher of touching her. A full investigation was conducted. He ended up quitting after so much pressure was placed on him.

     All her lies were what made it hard to believe this. Just then, the door opened to show an out of breath Cyrus. Reed looked at him, trying hard to believe he wouldn't hurt him. He searched his brown eyes for anything: guilt, lies, love.

  "What's wrong, baby. Don't worry, I'm right here."

"Is it true. Are you cheating with Kippen? I don't want to believe it but I had to ask."
    "Who told you that. Of course not."
"Kira. She told me she saw you two making out. I-I don't even know. Please Cy, just tell me." He closed his eye, a tear rolling down his face. Cyrus' heart broke, lifting his hand to caress Reed's cheek. He knew how much he was hurting. He didn't personally, but he had read about it.

   "I'm not cheating. You know I only have eyes for you. Kira's just trying to mess with us. We know how much she hates me. I promise."

   Reed, pushed his lips against Cyrus', trying hard to forget about what had happened that morning. It got rougher, both of them moaning into the kiss. They locked the bathroom door and continued, their hurting and feelings taking control and turning the small kiss into a passionate make-out session. He lifted Cyrus onto the sink, holding onto his waist and pulling him closer. They finally took a break, breathing heavily, staring hard and deep into each others eyes, reflecting the sunlight shining in through the window.

   "Promise me one thing, Cy. It would make me feel so much better.

    "Anything Reed."

"Promise me you won't talk or hang out with TJ anymore."

   His heart skipped a beat, as he realized what he had said. How could he choose between his bestfriend who he had befriended over one muffin or his boyfriend who had shown so much interest in him. He could only think of one answer. It made him feel less worse about everything he had already done. It wouldn't be that hard to stay away for Reed's sake. He smiled at him, once again caressing his cheek and giving him a peck.

    "Of course. I promise."

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