6. Forgive Me

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Cyrus raced to The Spoon, the wind blowing through his hair and the people he passed by becoming a blur. His thoughts were running wild through his mind as everything that had just happened replayed in his mind. He had sped out of there quickly not wanting to be there anymore. He especially didn't want to be near TJ or see TJ. He had thought they were friends. He always knew that there'd be that one person who would end up saying something homophobic to him, but never did he think that guy would be TJ, and never did he think that he'd snap at him the way he did. That's what hurt him the most. The spoon came into sight and he walked in sliding in a booth and laying his body down, wiping all the tears away. Finally some silence. There was no one there, so he could have some time to think. He hadn't even ordered his baby taters. The silence didn't last very long. He jumped at the sound of the bell on the door and in came his best friends along with Reed and TJ following behind them. He felt his heart drop, but instead of feeling sad and disappointed at his choice of words, it was replaced with anger towards the guy.
Andi and Buffy sat down in front of him while Reed sat down beside him, hugging and comforting him. He felt warm and loved and safe in the arms of Reed and with his best friends holding his hands. It was going well until the comforting of Cyrus was interrupted by the boy who they had forgotten had followed them. He had really regretted what he had said to Cyrus. Buffy and Andi begged him and then told him he wasn't allowed to come. He had hurt him and wanted to see if he was ok so he followed them and showed up there. He knew Cyrus wouldn't want to see him but it was worth a try, right?
"Cyrus. Can I talk to you, like in private?" he looked at Cyrus was not getting up and instead stared at him with nothing to say.
    "I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to talk to you, so go away." Buffy spoke angrily on Cyrus' behalf, grabbing his hand giving him a comforting smile.
    "Please, Cyrus just 5 minutes and I'll be out of your hair."
"Hey man, he doesn't want to talk. Back off." Reed stood up, getting close to TJ and pushing him back. This was a mistake because soon a fist was thrown and then another and soon a fight broke out between the two of them. They punched and punched leaving bruises and bloody noses. Cyrus looked at them, his eyes once again swelling up with tears.
He went up to them, pulling Reed off of him. He tried reaching for his face again but TJ was held back by Buffy.
"You guys are crazy. TJ let's talk outside, five minutes." Cyrus grabbed his arm and pulled him outside. Before stepping out he looked to Reeds eyes for support. He gave him a slight nod and watched Cyrus walk off outside with TJ. They stood outside, TJ breathing hard, pacing and running his hands through his hair.
   "You know you only have five minutes right?"
"UGH. I know, I know. I wanted to apologize, Underdog. You know me and you know I would never ever say what I said back there. It's just- Kira said so much shit and she started messing up my mind. I don't know what came over me. I cared for her too much so I never really said anything, but I should've. Please forgive me. That's all I ask for." He coming to a stop and letting a tear finally drop from his eye. He continued searching for forgiveness within the eyes of the brunette. His hair was a mess. He looked like he had gone through a lot the past few years with a bruised eye standing out and red knuckles that had drops of blood on it. Cyrus couldn't help but feel bad. He grabbed his hand and ran his fingers over his knuckles. TJ winced at the touch but allowed it since he had found it comforting. He frowned once he lost contact with the small hands that were warmer than a summer day.
"I-I don't know TJ. What you said really hurt. You were my best friend and I didn't think that you'd be the one to say that."
"I know. That's why your forgiveness is all I beg of you. Please, Underdog."
"I'd have to think about it but don't ever speak to me that way again. Please Teej. Go home and calm down." TJ nodded at the request
"Of course not. Never again."
"I need to get back in there, see how Reed is doing. I'll see you tomorrow at school."
TJ looked down, shuffling his feet. "Yea, I think I'm gonna head home you know go rethink my life a little. I'm sorry about all the problems and stuff. Tell Reed I'm really really sorry." Cyrus smiled waving at him as he entered and sat back in his seat. Across The Spoon TJ also sat down on a bench. All he could do was watch the friends talk and laugh. He watched Reed kiss his cheek, he watched them laugh together all which once again ignited a burning feeling in his stomach. All he could do was imagine himself in that place. In Reed's place. It wasn't not the first time he had felt the way he was feeling. He had come to terms with his feelings. After hours of overthinking and just thinking, he came to a conclusion. After everything Kira had said and everything he had been told, he didn't care anymore. He had an awakening and finally realized his true feelings. His heart and his mind finally agreed on one thing. He, Thelonious Jagger Kippen: had a crush on Cyrus Goodman.

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