11. Secret

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       Cyrus' phone vibrated, displaying a text that he was hesitant to look at. He hadn't talked to TJ since he left the Kippen Residence. Those thoughts had been running through his mind that weekend. He felt bad, but it had felt so good. He picked it up and looked at it.

Buffy: Hey, you wanna come hang at the spoon. pls im alone with marty

    He chuckled, replying with a simple yes and rose from his bed, walking over to his closet to look for something to wear. He settled on jeans and a black hoodie. He slid on his vans and walked out. He ran fast, his feet slowly beginning to ache. He arrived at The Spoon bending over to catch his breath. He had made sure to invite Reed so he wouldn't feel lonely, who told him he'd be there in twenty minutes. The more the merrier. The door opened and he walked in across from Buffy who was awkwardly laughing.

"Hey guys, what's up." Cyrus spoke up, unzipping his sweater revealing a grey shirt underneath. Buffy stared at Cyrus, waving furiously which earned her a laugh from Marty.

   "Hey Cy. Wicked hickey you got there. You and Reed hang out this weekend?" Marty's smirk disappeared once he noticed the glaring eyes Cyrus was giving him. His heart dropped, taking time to process what Marty had said to him.
"The hickey...on your neck. You really didn't notice it?"
"Oh that y-yea of course." Cyrus grabbed his sweater and attempted to leap to the bathroom. The room began to spin and look disoriented. He felt like he couldn't breathe. Reed could definitely not see him like this. He looked in the mirror, almost fainting at the sight of the mark made on his neck. He thought back and remembered the slight pain he felt which he had ignored when visited TJ. He wet his hand and began to scrub hard attempting to get rid of it.

'Dammit Cyrus, why'd you think that would work. This isn't marker. Damn damn damn. What am I gonna tell Reed.'

He put on his sweater, trying finding any way to cover it up. As long as he could get through the rest of this, he'd be fine. He had felt guilty, but the hickie doubled that. He had technically cheated on Reed.

He walked outside, the room beginning to stay still but coming face to face with a concerned and curious Buffy.
"You were not with him."

"How do you know. I could've just not told you."

"That's true, but the way your face dropped. It looked like you saw a ghost. You got all pale and shit Cyrus. Who gave it to you? I need to know."

"No one Buffy. I don't know what happened. Maybe I got bit or something. Just drop it." He began to get frustrated but lowered his voice, making sure that the boy waiting for them wouldn't hear.

"C'mon Cyrus. I just need to know. You'll feel better once you get it out. Keeping this secret will only make you feel more guilty."

"Cyrus what the hell. TJ Kippen?"

He ignored her heading back to his seat, and as if on cue, Reed walked in, greeting Buffy and Marty and kissing Cyrus' cheek, his usual smile on display.
"Hey how was your guys' weekend."

  "Pretty uneventful. How about you and Cyrus, huh?" Marty once again smirked, this time directing it towards Reed.
"Haven't seen him since Friday, so it's also been rather uneventful."

"Really? Because-"

  "Marty, can I talk to you. Like, outside now?" Buffy stopped him before he could further push the subject. Now that she knew what had happened with Cyrus, there was no way she'd let Marty, the only other person who saw the hickie, spill. If Reed didn't do it, she couldn't let him find out that someone else had left something on his boyfriend. She had to protect her best friend.

'Oh Cyrus, you owe me.'

"That was weird, but at least I get alone time with you." Reed leaned his head on Cyrus' head who wrapped his arm around his waist.

'Tell him Cyrus. No don't. But yes. No, not now. Look how happy he is. Take it to the grave.'

He lay his head on his chest, which felt strong and comforting. Reed's heartbeat sped up and Cyrus blushed, thinking about how he had that much of an impact on him. He could make him blush, quicken his heartbeat, and made him soft and kinder when for everyone else, he put up a tough exterior.

Still, he couldn't help but feel bad, that the boy who was head over heels for him, could not make him feel the way the other boy made him feel. He desperately wanted to feel the same way towards him, but he just couldn't. Had he really fallen this hard for TJ?

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