Guten Morgen-SMS

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Ich entschuldige mich jetzt schonmal für mein Englisch :D

Viel Spaß:-) and Happy Birthday Anne Styles <3

vielen Dank an  @YummyCookie das du es überarbeitet hast. <3      


Ashton :

Sunshine, wake up and open your beautiful eyes. I miss you soooooo much. I'll be back in a week, can't wait to finally be able to kiss and hug you again. ❤

Love you ❤

-SmAsh ;)

Michael :

Good morning little punky pooe,

Did you sleep well? Hope you had lots of dreams about me ;). Love you so so much.

Mikey xx

Luke :

Hey Kitten,

It's morning and you have to get up and go to school. Have a nice day. SEE YOU SOON !

Love you,

Lukey ❤ :-)

Calum :

Wakey Wakey beautiful, did you sleep well?

See you today, Babe. Love you

xoxo CalPal ❤

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