Chapter 5 - Sexual Offender

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"Why, hello there," The man said, his head turned straight towards Sans after he had walked in.

A black fedora sat on his white head as his smile widened, stalking towards Sans from the door like some sort of predator after its prey. He was dressed in a more formal and sexual wear, his shirt pulled open to reveal a pair of white abs.

"Hi," Sans said quietly, shuffling to hide some of his body behind Slenderman.

"Offender, no, you're not going to rape Sans," Slender said, "He's off limits."

"I don't see your mark on him like those proxies of yours," Offender said, crossing his arms, "So as far as I'm concerned, he's fair game for me to claim him before you do."

"Claim?" Sans asked, "I'm not really something to claim."

"Of course not!" Splendor said, "You're a cute little man who deserves nothing but love and cuddles!"

"He is cute, which is why he deserves much more than just cuddles," Offender said, "He's a little virgin, he deserves to feel a good time."

"Like Trender, he has an ability to what he does," Slender sighed, "He can tell a virgin on sight."

"You don't need that ability to tell I'm a virgin, it's pretty obvious," Sans sighed, "But no thanks."

"No hugging, no sex, no touching Sans," Slender said, stepping more in front of Sans, "I only allowed you to visit to meet him, nothing more."

"And don't offer me a rose, I know how it works," Sans said to Offender, "But don't rape me and we should be good."

"You were right about him, he is different," Offender said, "I can see why you wanted him to join you."

"Please, just one hug?" Splendor asked, "He's just too precious to pass up!"

"I'd rather entertain him," Offender said, "But I wouldn't mind a hug that got a little... handsy."

"No, and no," Slender said, "Sans is off limits. Not to mention you all would have some competition."

"Competition?" The three asked at the same time.

"I believe we should have some dinner now, Sans made some chicken for dinner," Slender said, "He's gotten rather good at cooking."

"I can go grab some plates for everyone," Sans offered.

"That would be helpful, yes," Slender said.

He remembered the first time he saw Slenderman eat, it was an interesting experience when Sans learned that the tale man did actually contain a mouth hidden by a layer of skin. His jaw unhinged like a snake, his skin ripped apart like paper, it caught Sans so off guard he forgot to absorb his food he was eating and it fell through his ribcage. It was oatmeal, too, so he had to change and do his laundry after he took a shower to get the oatmeal off his his bones.

Yeah, Sans has seen monsters eat unusually before, but that had caught him off guard. Just seeing his skin peel away like that made Sans glad he had no skin. It was just one tick down from horrifying, he ended up getting almost no sleep that night from it. But now he's more used to it, thankfully. Slenderman could have stared in a horror movie just eating that oatmeal, it was that disturbing. Luckily for Sans, he's quick at adapting, so now he wasn't as much phased by it as he was before. Like with organs and killing, now that stuff didn't really phase him at all. It had become a part of his life.

"Do you guys like any honey or sauces with your chicken?" Sans asked the three, "If any of you are into blood, Helen has some in his room he'll let me borrow."

"Do you have any sprinkles?" Splendor asked.

"Yeah, I can put sprinkles on yours," Sans said.

"How about-"

"No," Slender told him before Offender could finish.

"I don't think I want to know what he wants on his," Sans said.

"No, you don't," Slender said, "Just give him some honey."

"Alright," Sans said.

"Thank you for making us dinner!" Splendor said, "Slendy never makes us dinner when we come over."

"We never come over," Offender pointed out.

"Because the last time you did you brought your 'friend' over and I had to clean up your mess," Slender said, "And Sans is the one who cooked it, not me. We just have leftovers."

"That's so sweet!" Splendor said.

Sans could hear them all from the kitchen as he microwaved the chicken, pulling out the sprinkles from the cabinet as he listened to their conversation.

"He does seem rather useful," Offender said, "And he's not scared of you, either. If you ever don't want him, I might take him myself."

"I'm not for takes, sorry!" Sans called out.

"And I didn't claim him, he isn't a proxy up for grabs like your women you claim," Slender said from the other room, "Sans isn't a proxy, he's a bit too valuable than that."

"Thanks," Sans said to them, pulling out Splendor's plate from the microwave and pouring sprinkles over the food.

"You did have your gaze set on him for years, how come he's so special to you?" Offender asked.

Sans was actually interested in the answer as well, pausing in his movements as he strained to hear the answer. At first, he assumed Slender wanted Sans to become his proxy and work for him, but Slender never asked him to do that. In fact, he never even tried to make Sans kill anyone. Why did Slenderman keep him?

"It doesn't matter," Slender said.

"If it doesn't matter, can I keep little Sans?" Splendor asked, "He's just so adorable I want to keep him forever."

"No, he stays here," Slender said, "And you'd have to face the wrath of all of the others in this house as well."

"You have a little... admiration towards him, don't you?" Offender asked.


What the heck does that mean?

"That's none of your concern," Slender said.

"If you don't go for him, can I give it a go about?" Splendor asked.

Go for him?

"I wouldn't mind giving it a try without any roses either, see just how good I am," Offender said.

"He's too adorable and pure to be tainted by you, stay away from Sanspie!"


"Don't you guys listen? Almost everyone here also wants a try with him, so it's not recommended you try."

"What a wimp, backing down from him just because of the others. I'll get him in bed, just you watch."

"Uh, guys, dinner is done," Sans said, holding out two plates for them, "And Trender's is on the counter if he comes back soon."

"How kind of you," Offender said.

He was closer than Sans thought, since one of his hands grabbed Sans' chin and tilted it up, seeing Offender's smirk mere inches away from his face.

"If you'd like to dress up as a cute maid and stop by my place, you could show me alone some kindness instead," Offender said.

"Uh..." Sans said, looking for a way out.

Suddenly, a black tentacle wrapped around his waist and dragged him back from Offender, holding him slightly in the air next to Slender.

"Hands off," Slender said.

And that was only the beginning of the awkward night with the brothers of Slender.

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