Chapter 15 - Poems and Dresses

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"Holy crap, no way!" Ben laughed out, sticking his head through the T.V. "Papyrus and Undyne were just arrested because the police got a warrant and found the blood on the carpet!"

"Really?" Sans asked, glancing over from the piece of paper he was reading, "That's cool, I'm just a natural."

"Now that you talk about it, you would make a really good CreepyPasta, Sans," Ben said, glancing out of the window to see the night sky. "I mean, you've been abandoned by people you trusted, classified as insane, and you just helped kidnap someone for Jack. As far as I'm concerned, that sounds like one of us."

"It sounds like someone's OC, seriously I find way too many of those," Jane muttered from the couch, "Can you get out of the T.V now Ben? I was trying to watch Kissing Booth."

"Fine." Ben stuck his hands out and dragged his body out of the electronic, climbing off of the T.V stand onto the floor below.

The hooded man next to Sans watched hesitantly, Hoodie silently waiting for Sans to finish reading what he had written on the paper. Would he like it? Would he hate it?

It wasn't until recently that Sans had learned that Hoodie liked to write poems. Since he was more of the quiet type, he didn't tend to share out his more personal hobbies, such as poetry. Hoodie and Jack did share the shy trait in common, but they had it differently. Jack was more of the face and love shy type, shy about who he loved and what he looked like, while Hoodie was shy for his poems. Other than that, Hoodie was a confident and strong proxy, that was for sure. It was just sharing his poetry where he got nervous.

She had built a tower,

As high as the eye could see,

So beautiful,

So magnificent.

Next to it was a hideous tower,

Short and normal,

No decorations on its surface,

Compared to her perfect tower,

It was old.

But when the earth shook,

Hers clattered to the ground the fastest,

Yet her neighbors had stayed stable,

So she walked through the debris,

Of her Not-So Perfect Tower alone.

"What are you talking about, this is great!" Sans said, holding out the paper for Hoodie to take again. "I really like it!"

"Really?" Hoodie asked, barely able to muster a loud voice. "It was just something I wrote this morning..."

"You're really good at writing poems, I mean, this is better than anything I could write," Sans said.

"What's it about?" Jane asked.

Hoodie gulped, pulling his orange hood further over his covered face. "Stuff..."

"It's about a girl who focused to much on making her tower look good that she didn't focus on the foundation, and while she mocked another tower, there was an earthquake and her's fell while the other one stayed," Sans said, "Like, it's a metaphor for how people focus so much on outside beauty that when it comes down to it, it should matter from what people are made from instead of what they look like."

"You mean like guts and blood?" Ben asked, "You said what they're made from."

"Oh, shut up!" Sans threw a pillow at Ben. "You know what I meant!"

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