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"Hey love, I'm sorry we can't hang out today - I'll make it up to you later." I listened to the voicemail for the third time.

"What if he gets back with Talia?" I asked the girls as we sat in Millie's bedroom.

"We won't let her." Sadie says as she laid her clothes out that she just purchased to look at them.

"Yeah, Talia is gonna have to get through us first before Jack." Sofia says

"And besides. Jack is too loyal. He'd break up with you before he'd take Talia back." Millie hangs up her clothes, "but that probably won't happen since he sounds pretty serious in that voicemail."

"you think so?" I wonder, Millie giggled. "Of course sweetheart. Jack is such a big baby, he would never hurt a soul on purpose."

"You're right... For a popular kid, he is humble." I say, "also a good kisser..."

"Oooooo." They all cooed, "y'all already be kissing?" Millie asks

"Yeah, I mean- we've been crushing on each other since freshman year..." I admit

"Fair enough." She shrugs, "he's also a good lacrosse player"

"I've only seen him play a couple times" I felt a bit bad I've never watched him play, though we liked each other.

"Yeah, Talia barley watched him. Most of the time she saw it as an opportunity to go make-out with George behind the bleachers." Millie snitches

"I saw them making out the other day," I confess, "however Jack was sleeping not even a few feet away in the library. I felt sick knowing she was doing it right in front of him basically."

"Let's be honest; Jack deserves better than her." Sadie puts her hands up.

"Yeah, that's why y/n is in his life now." Millie says in a duh tone.

"Want to call him?" Sofia asks, "See if he wants to talk, and we can see if he's really loyal."

"Erm. I do trust him." I said, "I just don't want him to get in trouble"

"Well, just say you want to talk and it's an emergency?" She suggests.

"Guys, you really think Jack won't freak out if it's an emergency and he's not allowed to leave his house?" Millie says

"Yeah but I kind of want to hear what he has to say." Sadie admits, "plus. Y/N wants to talk to him."

"I do..." I pause, "but I'm also scared."

"Of what?" Millie questions as she joins us all on her bed. "It's Jack Dylan Grazer. He isn't scary at all."

"Not of him, of what he has to say." I tell them, "I'm scared he might be worried and then get upset that it's not a real emergency."

"Say it's false alarm." Millie shrugs, "he can't get mad over that."

The girls nod to what Millie said, agreeing I click on his number and call it.

Sofia plays with the hem of her sleeves as Jack answers the phone right away.

"Hey baby" he says, "I was watching a movie" he cleared his throat.

"Oh, should I hang up?" I feel Millie slap my arm, not hard but enough to make me wince.

"What are you doing?" She hissed, "tell him you miss him!"

"No, no, it's fine babe. It's not an interesting movie anyway." He says, "I wanted to talk to you actually."

My eyes widened as I looked at the girls for help.

"Uhm, about what?" I cautiously say

"About anything, I miss you." He said

The girls all screamed silently as they jumped on each other and shook me.

"Aww, I miss you too baby." I smiled, he laughed. "I wish I could come over and kiss you-"

"Oh my god!" Millie blurbed out, immediately slapping her mouth and looking at me with wide eyes.

"Who was that?" Jack asked, "y/n?"

"My friend Millie, I gotta go love youuuu!" I hang up and they all scream with me.

"Why is he so cute!" I screech, Millie hugs me as we all group hug and laugh.

"If he breaks your heart we will break his face." Millie tells me

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