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* sorry for my grammar but I am really bad at English. Ignore any mistake.*

In the streets of New York, Mellisa Watson was walking pushing through the crowd of unknown faces. The Sun was setting down and the darkness had started growing.

She pushed the doors open of her favourite and small but cozy looking restaurant.

~ Milly's POV~

"Do you have a reservation ma'am", the waitress asked me with a bright smile on her face.

I answered,"Don't you know me. Are you new here?"

"Yes, it's my first day ma'am."

"Ok, actually I am regular customer of this restaurant and you'll see me more often here."

She was going to answer but another waitress came who had been working here since 14 years and knows me very well.

She greeted me and led to my favourite place which is a cabin and it has a small library, a beautiful view of the city and a cozy sofa with a big coffee table.

Though it is open for everyone but only few people know about it, so maximum times, the cabin remains empty.

I thanked her. I was alone and decided to take a little rest and calm myself.

I landed on the sofa and put on my headphones and played my all time favourite; one direction songs. I was thinking about my past and the painful memories were stabbing my heart. I didn't felt like living anymore, like I had no reason.

I ordered a veg salad and an orange juice, I was really trying to eat healthy to support my system. 'Right now' was playing and I was listening it peacefully while eating my boring salad.

I saw some movement on the stairs and soon the waitress came followed by a handsome man with curly hair and green emerald eyes.

A.N. -
Hey guys.. please vote and comment for my first fanfiction. I am completely naive to it but I am trying reallyhard. Please support the story

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