Ruined it

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Milly's POV:

It's so hard to avoid him. It's been two days since we fought. I finally decided to confront him.

"Hello Mrs. Styles how are you." I asked Harry's mum as I entered in the living room.

"I am fine honey. How's your day been." She asked with a bright smile.

"Not that good. Uhm is Harry at home." I asked fiddling with my fingers

"He went for football practice. Some season practice kind of thing. I can leave your message." She suggested politely.

"No that won't be necessary. Have a nice day Mrs Styles." I said and headed out. So football ground it is......

I took a deep breath as I entered the football ground. I just felt nervous. I went and stood near the bleachers. They were playing I immediately recognized Hazza.

Goal! The players cheared. Coach dismissed them and I went to see Harry.

"Are you ready to talk now" I said coming straight to the point.

"There's nothing to talk about. What are you doing here." He said and closed his eyes.

"Harry please I can't do this anymore. I hate fighting with you." I said with a cracked voice. I hate crying when I am angry.

His eyes shifted to me, "So do I. These two days were the worst. I really missed you."

"I missed you too. Just tell me and we won't have to be like this."

He clenched his jaw obviously not pleased with my words. I asked him and he denied to tell me again and again.

At last he lost his temper.

"That's because I fucking like you. I see you. But you don't. You chose that dipshit over me. Everyday I questioned my existence. I doubted myself. After all this I still like you and I hate that. ..that I can never change what I feel for you." His expression changed when he realised his own words. He was breathing heavely, his curls were all over his face.

I never saw that coming. I never realised that. I couldn't find any words to say, so I just kept staring him and his green emarled eyes.

A moment passed. His expression changed, it was unreadable. I just stood there like a dumb forming words in my mind.

"That was the stupid reason." He said with a coldness in his voice and walked away.

I stood their for few more minutes until the whistle blew.
I went back home. I didn't knew what I was thinking. But there was one thing I knew for sure

I ruined it. Completely.

After hours of mental talk I peeped outside my window. In the darkness of the night I looked for his room's light but it was off.

It was a clear night. I took some blankets and pillows and laid on the roof.

As I laid there admiring the beautiful stars my heart instantly felt lighter and I smiled for the first time in two days.

I wondered what else makes me happy like genuinely happy and the list went -


I closed my eyes to forget about him but all I could see was Harry, my Harry.

I opened my eyes as realisation took place. The weird feeling was back but it didn't felt weird this time. All those time we spent together suddenly became my favourite memories.

I started thinking about all his perfections and flaws. His beauty and innocence. His care and respect for me. Maybe this is the first step towards love. It's strange I never felt these things for Jake, I really thought that we took things fast. I pushed the thoughts about that jerk and focused on Harry.

His words kept playing in my ears

That's because I fucking like you.

I just hate myself for freezing at that time. It was so random. I wish I had realised my feelings earlier. I should tell him or is it too late.

I checked the time on my phone and once again turned my head towards his window. Lights were on.

This is it.

I used the ladder in his garden and climbed upto his window.
He was sitting on his study table. I knocked on the window. No response. I knocked again, harder this time.

He turned his head towards me. Of all these years of friendship I could tell at once whether he is crying or not just by looking at his face.

He again wore the same unreadable expression. His eyes were little puffy from crying and his cheeks were flushed from tears.

He opened the window. I was struggling from the lack of words.

He opened his mouth and said, "What are you doi.......mffff." his voice muffled as I connected his lips to mine.

He was taken aback first then kissed me back. Our lips synced and the kiss deepened. His lips were so soft and heavenly. Our kiss broke due to lack of air.

I bit my lip and continued gazing downwards. He hooked his fingers under my chin and moved my face up to meet his eyes.

I blushed a little. He put his hands on my face and brought it close to his, connecting our lips again. We kissed for a good amount of time.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. We finally parted. His lips were swollen a little. His cheeks turned into a colour of slight pink. He gave me a cheeky grin which popped his dimples.

"I like you too H."

*Flashback Ends*

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