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A.N. - Upcoming Fan project: Stream 'What a feeling' on 25 October.
We can do it.

Milly's POV:

It's Sunday afternoon and I am lying on my bed with tonnes of Chinese food. I am so tired from all the work, I overworked this week. I just want to relax whole day before facing Monday again. I was searching on Netflix to look something while eating but ended up watching Friends.

As I was eating, the doorbell buzzed and I went to open it. Before I could open it completely Olivia barged in and landed herself on the couch in the living room. Olivia and I were dorm roommates and since then we've been inseparable best friends.

I went to my room and brought some Chinese food left overs for both of us. I plopped down on the sofa and started devouring my fried rice. I raised my head and Olivia was staring at me.

"What?" I said with my mouth full of fried rice.

"You're not over him." She said. It was like a statement, she said it like it was a universal truth.

"What are you even talking about? I'm so over him." I defended myself.

"You don't like Chinese food. It's Harry's favourite." She said while looking straight in my eyes.

I looked down at the container.

She's right I don't eat it. I didn't even realised it until now. I thought I'd moved on but now I know that I am still stuck. I must do something.....

"Oh my God Liv! You're so right. Help me. I don't know what to do." I said. I was so clueless.

"It doesn't matter what I say. It depends on you M. It's been a long time, you should let it go." She said with frustration.

I know why she becomes frustrated when we talk about this thing. Whenever I think about moving on, I just give up. Liv was there for me at my worst. Maybe if I can't do it for me, I should do it for Liv.

I felt so helpless, I couldn't control my tears from falling down. Liv sat beside me and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh Mills, I know you're not ready for a relationship. But you should know, he's not going to come back. And even if he came, it's not gonna happen. I can't see you like this. I've never met him but after knowing all of the things he did to you, I can't stand that man's guts." I sighed. I knew she was right.

"And remember I'll be there for you, always." She said. I smiled, I'm so lucky to have her.

"Liv, I'll do it. Few dates won't hurt, right?" I smiled at her.

"I'm so happy for you." She smiled back.

After our little therapy. We watched Friends for a while.

"You know what M, it's weekend." Liv said with excitement.

"That's a brand new information." I said sarcastically.

"We should go clubbing, get wasted. We can look for a guy for you."

" I don't want to be hungover, I have work tomorrow. And we're not 21 anymore, we're adults now." I laughed while saying the last part.

"C'mon M, don't be a spoilt sport. Get your sassy ass in the shower and get ready. I'll meet you at 7." She said and left.

I took a shower and stood in front of my closet. I hate dressing up but Liv will kill me if I'll go like a homeless bitch. I ended up wearing a neon off shoulder top and black shorts with a pair of black boots. Classy? Right.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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