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*8 years ago*

Milly's POV-

"Gem, help me. I can't decide what to wear for party." I asked Gemma. We have been best friends since we were toddlers. And plus we were neighbours.

"Oh My God Mills! Your whole wardrobe is stuffed with party gowns. You can wear anything it will suit you." She answered.

I was sitting on floor and all my clothes were thrown on the floor too. I wasn't satisfied with any of it. Then something caught my eyes, in the back of the cupboard a beautiful black dress was present.

 Then something caught my eyes, in the back of the cupboard a beautiful black dress was present

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"How about this one? It's nice and it's my favourite colour too."

"Oh it's great. Jack might wear black, you could both match"

" Yeah, I wish he like this dress."
I smiled thinking of Jack (my boyfrind) and me wearing same colour on his birthday party.
"What about you Gem? What you gonna wear."

"I can wear whatever, it's not my boyfriend's birthday party. Jack invited Harry too. He will be tagging along with us."

"He already told me. And yes Shawn is coming. So you should wear something nice rather than your shitty dress." I saw Gem blushing at mentioning of Shawn( Gem's Crush).

"Shit Mils, I have to look presentable. We kinda just talked in school and I think he likes me too. I want to impress him. Gotta go do some shopping. See ya in school. Bye"

"Relax Gem. Haha. You look so nervous. Bye. Don't have too much fun without me. Love ya."




I pulled my car in the school parking area when I saw Jack all over a girl. Not that it was my business, but it was sure of Milly's.

It was so disgusting. Jack saw me and was shocked that I caught him red handed. He made excuses and told that it was the girl's fault. What an idiot, I knew he was lying.

He begged me to not to tell about this to Milly. And I agreed. I didn't had any choice. They are together for over a year. Even if I have a crush on her I can't see her devastated from this incident.

The whole day I kept thinking about the consequences that could happen if I kept it from her. I just want to see her happy.

I went to home. I decided not to tell about this to Gemma. I didn't wanted her to become sad. She was sitting on the dining table doing her assignment.

"Hi donut, how was school?" She asked

"Same old shit. Nothing new. So are we going to Jack's birthday? I just want to pass it"

"No way you are coming. Shawn will be there and I need you for the support. Please come. I already told Milly, she was happy to hear about you."

I smiled at the thought of her.

"Ok I will go for you Just because I don't want to hear you ramble about your inability to talk to your crush."

"Hey, that was rude. But I am happy you are coming"

"I am going for my soccer practice, could you please do my assignment. Please"

"I would have said no but I will do it. Have fun"

"You too"


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