Trust me

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Jack's birthday party -

Milly's POV :

"See Gemma everything is so beautiful and oh look at the flowers they are daisies. I love daisies." I excitedly said as we entered Jack's backyard.

I can't believe we have come so far. Jack is seventeen now and we have been in realtionship for a long time. It's been one and a half years of our lovely relationship. I am so lucky I found my forever love at such a young age.

"The arrangement is extravagant as always, but where is he?" Gemma said.

"I don't know maybe he is getting ready, I'll go check. Please wait for me near the bar or... you can find your special someone and have a chit chat" I said and winked at Gemma.

She blushed a little and shooed me away. I went inside the house to find the Birthday boy.

Harry's POV:

"Special someone?" I asked with my eyebrows up.

"You know Shawn. Milly thinks we will make a cute couple."

"That Milly always thinking things, I guess she is right."

"So, what about you did you have a crush on someone." Gemma asked sipping some alcoholic drink sitting on the bar stool.

I couldn't say Milly's name neither could I lie to my sister aka my first and best friend so I just shrugged and continued drinking my mohito.

"Here comes your special someone" I said when I noticed Shawn coming towards us.

"Should I shake hand or hug him? Or just wave at him?" Gemma asked. I laughed at the ridiculous questions, she glared.

"Just go. And don't make a fool of yourself." I laughed.

"A great way to encourage Harold."

"Don't call me that."

"Don't be mean."

I was going to reply but Shawn reached us and she lightly pushed me away. I left them two alone and sat near the pool area.

Milly's POV:

I made my way to Jack's room and found him struggling to put on his tie which to my amusement was adorably funny. I went inside and helped him to put it on.

"Happy birthday babe" I said and kissed him.

"I am so glad you are here with me, I love you." He said while kissing me all over my face.

"I love you more." I said and blushed.

"Ok let's go now, I don't want to miss my own party." He laughed and we started walking towards the backyard.

The place was full of teenagers, some were drunk, some were dancing. Party songs kept on buzzing through the speakers.

We cut the cake together and started the celebration. We played some classic party games. I wasn't drunk that much cuz I had just two glasses of champagne. I was sitting on the bar stools when my eyes landed on Jack and Harry having a conversation which didn't seem to be a pleasant one.

I was so involved in thinking about what they were talking about when I suddenly heard a sound and involuntarily my head turned towards it.

I ran towards the pool as I saw Gemma drowning. I pulled her out.

A scene was created, some were laughing at her while rest of us were confused. Gem was coughing uncontrollably. I saw Shawn and Harry running towards us. But where was Jack?

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