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One month later~

Milly's POV:

I am feeling pretty good now. Harry and Gemma supported me so much. I am glad to have friends like them.

But over these weeks Harry did his best to comfort me. Gemma was busy for her scholarship exams. Even though we are the same age but we are in different classes. I mean I went to school late and that's why I am in same class with Harry.

We spent so much time in this month. We binge watched my favourite movies; he brought me ice cream and treated me like a princess whenever I was feeling low. We spent whole night staring at the stars and gossiped about random things and he cracked some knock knock jokes to cheer me up. Which were by the way horrible but I still laughed at the way he said them and at his adorable giggles.

A week ago we went for picnic in the park, it was so much fun.

We sat there talking and admiring the nature until the Sun started setting down

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We sat there talking and admiring the nature until the Sun started setting down. And that was the moment I looked at him, I was completely lost in his eyes . My stomach churned and I felt some weird feeling but I pushed it down because I didn't knew what it was.

I entered the only bakery in my hometown. And I saw a curly headed boy with green eyes and a cheeky grin on his face.

"Welcome mam may I help you" he said while bending forward a little bit.

A laugh escaped my mouth.
"What are you doing here H."

"I work here."

"I know that. I mean don't you have your football practice."

"Well firstly I would like to spend my time with my dear best friend rather than wasting my time among sweaty boys. And secondly the practice got cancelled today." He said.

"Smooth styles. You look like in a flirting mode today." I laughed.

"I am always in a flirting mode honey. How could I help you."

"Please give me two loaves of brown bread. And no need of plastic bag I have my eco-friendly bag with me."

"Here. Anything else love."

"Uh. Mm. You." I mumbled.


"I said thank you." I said quickly.
I paid him and left the shop without saying anything.

My chest was aching and my heart was beating fast. I again felt that uneasiness in my stomach.

What just happend? Why did I said that out of nowhere? And why the hell I feel butterflies in my stomach whenever I see him.

A million thoughts were forming in my mind. But I pushed them away. Maybe I don't want to know what's happening with me.
Or am I afraid to admit that I am falling for him.


Harry's POV:

I can't stop smiling. My mom has finally given me permission to perform on X factor. I am the lead singer in White Eskimo(our local band) and everyone admires my voice. I have finally decided to give it a try.

I made my way to Mills locker. We usually go to our classes together. I saw Jake arguing with Milly.

"Leave me alone for God's sake." She yelled.

"Don't talk to me like that. I just came here to make peace." He said with a smug look on his face.

"I don't want to talk to you. Just go away."

He grabbed her hand and all of her books fell down.

"Leave her alone asshole." I hissed and removed his hands from her wrist.

"Hey hey look who he is. My buddy styles."

"Listen here you piece of shit. You have hurt her enough. I am not gonna let you hurt her anymore. So just leave her alone." I said angrily.

"Calm down. Well you also played a part in hurting her. Mills remember he kept the secret from you for a month."

"Don't call me that. And just go away." She said lowly.

He laughed and went away.

Milly didn't looked at me. She bent down and started picking the books, I joined her. I knew what she was thinking about but I couldn't help it. I can't tell her. I don't want to ruin our amazing friendship.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I asked.

"No I am alright." She fake smiled.

"Harry why did you kept it from me." She asked suddenly as we headed towards our classroom.

"I am sorry for not telling you." I said.

"No. I want to know. ..why..?" She asked with a tinge of annoyance.

"There were some reasons." I said trying not to over share.

"What reasons?"

"You don't have to know about it. Everything's over now. It doesn't matter." I said calmly.

"It does. It does matter to me." She said and I could see the anger rising in her. But there was no way I could tell her the truth.

Luckily the bell rung. Our first classes were in different direction.

"I'll see you later." I mumbled and went away.

"Don't talk to me if you have nothing to say in your defence." She yelled from behind.

I sighed. It is gonna be a long day.

A.N.- OMG! 170 views. Thank you so much. Here's an extra chapter for you all.

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