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Milly's POV:

I was waiting for Gemma in the hospital. I called her and told her about the accident, she told me that she was in the city and that's a little wierd. I mean she lives in London and she doesn't come to visit him, it's always Harry who flew back home during holiday season.

It's been a long time since Gem and I talked to each other. After all that Harry did to me, I isolated myself. I didn't knew what to talk to her, he is her brother of course she would take his side.

And she didn't even tried to contact me after I announced about my selection in my dream college. We both played a part in ruining are friendship. We fell apart and it kills me every day. God, I miss her so much.

Today, when I talked to her, her voice was cold. I don't think I stand a chance to rebuild what we had. All these thoughts brought back the memories from my hometown and I started feeling homesick.

My thoughts were interupted when I saw Gemma and a strange man storming inside the hospital. They were talking to the receptionist. Before I could say anything, they passed across me and went straight to the hall no. 7.

I made my way there. I could see Gem hugging Harry as he laid down in the stretcher, crying her heart out while the strange man comforted her. Maybe the man is her friend. After giving them enough time to meet, I made my way inside and her face wore an unreadable expression; that was the same as Harry's.

I shook hands with the man and held my hand towards Gem but she didn't responded. The man introduced himself as Michael aka Gemma's fiance.

I was so over the moon I didn't care about anything and went straight for the hug this time she hugged me back for a second before she pulled back.

The nurse came in with some papers to be filled by Gem. She asked the nurse about when Harry could leave the hospital and the nurse turned towards me for the answer.

"Why are you looking at her? I asked you." Gemma said with confusion.

"I am the doctor who operated him Gemma. And yes he can leave once the cuts on his body starts healing." I said nonchalantly.

"You operated him!! Oh my God is he alright are there any complications?" She asked.

"Don't be so surprised I have a degree in surgery which clearly qualifies me to operate people so if you don't trust me then you can atleast trust the people who gave me the degree." I said sarcastically. I was so done with her. She knew very well that I went to a med college.

Before she could say anything, another nurse called me for some emergency and I went away.

One week later, Harry was in a better condition and was willing to leave as soon as possible. Anne, Gemma and Michael came to meet him during visiting hours.

After running some X-rays I finally gave him a green signal to leave but he still had to come for weekly appointments. They finished some paper work and left with Harry by their side on a wheel chair.

Two days later, I was chilling at my apartment. Well not exactly chilling. I was just sleeping and eating before my writing session. I decided to write daily for an hour or so to get my brain all worked up for another book's idea.

I was so tired. The news about Harry's accident spread like a forest fire and there was a crowd of media and paps for latest news. It's so hard to be famous, I wonder sometimes.

As I was laying on my bed, the phone on the nightstand buzzed. I opened it.

*Text message*

Gem: Hi it's me Gemma.

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