Blurred vision

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A.N. - The flashbacks will appear here and there. I am gonna write the story in both past and present. It'll make it more interesting ;) Enjoy!!

Harry's POV:

The Sun rays crept from the open window and landed on my eyes. I groaned, cursing myself for not closing them. I finally opened my eyes. It was seven in the morning. I didn't had work for another four hours which was tempting enough for me to go back to sleep.

Few minutes later I heard the front door being opened and closed. I was frightened like really scared. People have broke into my house before, this New York apartment was the only one left. I slowly headed down the stairs and heard some shuffling in the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen, relief washed all over me as I saw the familiar faces.

They were rummaging the drawers and attacking the fridge. I mentally cursed myself for giving them a key to my apartment.

"What the hell are you doing boys." I said trying to sound mad but a laugh escaped my mouth when I saw Niall's mouth full of marshmallows which reminded me of squirrels.

"I was out of food and I am too lazy to go for a grocery shopping." He said with his mouth full. I turned my head towards the third person present in the kitchen.

"And what about you, Z?" I asked as I pulled out milk from fridge and snatched half eaten box of lucky charms from Niall's hand.

"I was in the city so I thought it would be great to catch up with my old buddy." Zayn said and continued eating the cookies I made a few days earlier. I make the best cookies, I used to be a baker you know.

"You wanted to catch up at 7 in the morning on a weekend." I said sarcastically.

"Aw c'mon mate I missed you. I will flew back to London in couple of hours." He smiled.

I gave up. I can't be mad at them. We chatted for a while. Niall almost ate the whole fridge. Zayn and I had to practically drag him to the living room. An hour later they both left. We really had a great time and wished for the presence of rest of the boys.

I came back from the studio in the evening. I was resting for a while before I had to go to the airport to pick up Gem and Michael (Gem's boyfriend). They have a meeting with a wedding planner here. I can't believe my sister is getting married. I am so happy for her. Just I was thinking of this I remembered that I didn't thought of Mills for a straight ten hours which was quite a success for me.

I checked the time and as predicted I was running late. I quickly locked the apartment and headed towards the airport.

The roads were unusually empty. It was weekend but the streets were surprisingly clear. Speakers started buzzing and Gemma's face lit on the screen. I clicked on accept and her voice boomed through the speakers.

"Where are you... you little shit." She said frustratingly.

"I am on my way I'll reach there in ten." I answered.

"I want you here in five or I will give you one star rating for your services." I chuckled.

As I was going to answer her back, I was turning the corner and suddenly a white light flashed in front of the car and I heard a loud crash. My whole body was thrown in the front. My vision blurred. All I could hear was faint voices of people. Before passing out I heard a loud voice, "Call Ambulance."

Milly's POV:

The night shifts are pretty boring, especially on weekends people leave the hospital early. I usually prefer night shifts, it's easier for me to balance both of my jobs. I am both a writer and a doctor. I have already published my two books which didn't got enough attention of the readers but it didn't flopped either. So for now doctory was my main source of income.

I was in my cabin sipping a coffee and brainstorming about my next book. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said.

"Dr. There's an emergency. It's a case of accident." She said.

"Accident? We have to inform police."

"We already did. The patient needs immediate medications."

"Let's go." We started heading to the emergency ward. "Is there an excessive blood loss. If it is then we should contact to blood bank as soon as possible."

"Dr. the blood loss isn't major. The air bags prevented fatal injuries. And we still have a few pouches of blood, those will be enough for now. There is a chance of broken bones or ribs. The patient is still unconscious."

"What about patient's family."

"We found a phone. But it's badly crushed. We don't have contacts."

"Ok. Tell me when the police arrives." I said and opened the door. Other junior doctors were already there. They had cleaned up the cuts. The face was partially covered with bandages, I couldn't see who it was.

After running few tests, it was found that the patient had a broken leg and two broken ribs, the left hand's shoulder was dislocated a little and the upper body had some deep cuts from the glass.

We started operating. People deal with different pressures like pressure of Job or pressure of exams, pear pressure. But we doctors have one of the most pressurized jobs in the world.
We deal with life and death. The feeling when we operate someone can't be compared with anything. It's so raw, we feel emotions, we fear consequences but at the top of all that we have to be determined and concentrated. Those hands save lives and if we succeed then we are considered God but if we fail then people qualify us as a part of hell. Apart from all these negative things, we are proud to be doctors and yes, we save lives.

After four hours, the operation was successfully done and the body was shifted to a different room. Police came and investigated about few things.

I was so exhausted, I sat on the couch in my cabin and passed out. My eyes shot opened. It was six in the morning. I still had one hour left for my shift to end.

I went to see the patient which we operated last night. I stepped inside the room and peeked at the patient. The nurse was changing the dressing so I was able to see the face.

My hand started trembling and my mouth was shivering. I saw that face yesterday in the restaurant. That was the same face I've been seeing for last fifteen years, the same face I had fallen in love with. A tear escaped my eyes and I left the room as quickly as possible.

I frantically searched for my phone and dialed the number.

Just pick up the bloody phone.

"Hello" She answered.

"Gemma, it's me."

A.N. - The idea of ending the flashback suddenly came up. But it added a nice twist. Hang on..... next chapter is on its way.
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:) xoxoxoxo

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