It's over

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Milly's POV:

" were right. I'm sorry." I managed to choke out.

I felt so broken, my mind couldn't comprehend what happend in the past few hours. My boyfri.... well now my ex cheated on me. I thought he loved me like I did, such a fool I was.

I didn't even listened to Harry. I was so ashamed of the reaction I gave when he told about my douch ex. I knew he would be mad at me but here he was comforting me when I broke down in his arms.

"What do you mean?" Harry said with sympathetic look in his eyes.

I wiped the tear that had fallen while reminiscing everything that happend after he left.

"Jake was very angry, he said that I shouldn't have come in the way, it made him seem weaker than you. I was just trying to save him from unnecessary fight. But he kept arguing and pushed me against the car. I was so scared he had never been aggressive with me. His hand was tightening around my wrist."

Tears started welling up in my eyes I was so scared at that time. I started sobbing again and Harry tried his best to comfort me.

I continued "He smirked to himself when he saw horror plastered on my face. Then he left me and went inside. I was sitting in the parking lot completely shocked, he had never hurt me until then."

"After like twenty minutes later I decided to talk to him. He wasn't in the backyard. I went to his room and opened the door."

Few hours ago~

Jake's POV:

After making sure that I horrified that bitch enough to make her leave I made my way inside.

I never loved her. I just acted to love her because I wanted revenge from styles.

He just came from no where and took my captaincy in football team. All of my friends were making fun of me, after so many years of practising I wasn't able to be a captain because of that Styles. He enrolled his name last minute and rest is history.

His old friend(now an enemy) told me about his crush Mellisa Anne Marie Watson. Four months of friendship and few dates were all that took to make her say yes to me.

That look on Styles face when Milly told him about our relationship was satisfactory. Every single day I wanted to see that look so I kept on our relationship.

After all that fighting drama, I frightend her enough. And by now she must have gone home. That means I can enjoy my time with Chloe.

I went inside and took Chloe to my room. Chloe knows about whole situation and fully supports me. We satisfy each other in many ways.

I started kissing her hungrily.

"I want you right now." I said, my words full of lust.

We kept kissing until her back hit the bed. As we were undressing each other, door of my room opened and to my disappointment Milly was standing there.

She stepped inside and her eyes landed on Chloe.

"Baby what are you doing here?" I managed to say.

"Oh My God! You sick bastard. I can't believe I ever loved you. You were cheating on me the whole time." She shouted at me

"Mills it's not my fault. Trust me. She pushed me on bed an....."

"She pushed you! Who are you fucking kidding with. Harry was right, he was so right and you made me doubt him. Why..why you did that just tell me why you cheated."

Maybe it's the time to break this fake relationship. I have already broke her heart and it will take her so long to love someone else. Styles stands no chance.

"You want to know why I fucked Chloe. That's because I love her."

"What about me? What about us?"

"Us?" I laughed at her stupid question. "It was all fake I never loved you."

She gasped at my words. I could physically see her heart breaking into million pieces.

"Why did you fake it?" She asked her voice cracked as she was trying to control her already flowing tears.

"Ah. Just wanted to take a revenge from someone. Now if your questions are done you can escort your frustrating dumb ass out. I want to have some privacy with my lover. I looked at Chloe and she smirked back.

"What revenge and from whom?"

"I don't need to answer you that. Stay out of my business and go away."

When I was speaking Milly came near and punched me so hard, I stumbled back slightly. She grabbed my coller and kicked me in the balls and I landed on the floor.

"It's over, it's fucking over whatever it was." She said while walking away.

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