Missing You

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Just because someone told you that you should exercise everyday and eat more vegetables, didn't necessarily mean that you would do that right away. She felt exactly the same way as they finally finished watching Dark Knight Rises ­– her all-time favorite movie, Christopher Nolan anyone? – and spent time cuddling on the couch. In her defense, she didn't want to rock an-already rocky boat.

But she wasn't raised to be a coward; Johnsons always faced their problems head on and would never hide away just because they feared that the answer to their questions didn't match up with their expectations. So that was why she knew she should be having the talk with Jamie. The last time she avoided having the talk with someone, she found out through the media that her boyfriend was involved with someone else.

While Jason's infidelity didn't hurt her, she knew if Jamie did that, she wouldn't be able to be as calm. That should had been such an obvious sign that her previous relationship with Jason had gone unhealthy but hey, you live and you learn.

She pushed away from Jamie, scooting further to create some distance between them. She could only think when he wasn't touching her anyway. "So this is going to sound weird but I think we need to set some boundaries..."

Jamie stood up too as he sensed her somber tone. "Boundaries?"

"Yeah," she said with a nod. "We need to set boundaries in this relationship – could you even call it that? – so that there won't be any hard feelings or troubles in the future."

"I'm listening."

"Well for starters, I think this should purely physical since you know I just got out of a relationship and I should think from your recent divorce, you're not exactly keen on jumping into another relationship."

He nodded eagerly. "Damn right." Jamie ran his hand through his hair, looking frustrated. "I'm not ready for a relationship. I don't think I could ever be ready. Once is enough. So I'm glad you're not looking for one either."

"Okay. So we're on the same page on that one."


"What does that entail though?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. "Wouldn't this be considered a relationship-type of activity? Shouldn't we be only banging each other and then leave before morning?"

His lazy smile did something to the lower part of her body. "We can do whatever we want, love, as long as we're both clear on the invisible barrier. We can hang out; we can bang – as you so eloquently put it – each other till dawn, we can sleep with each other till morning but no feelings will be involved."

She beamed at him. "So I take it there will be more movie nights?"

He chuckled at her child-like glee. "As many as you want."

"But don't you think that's dangerous territory?" she asked with a frown. "I don't want you to fall in love with me, Jamie."

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen. I don't think I can fall in love anymore anyway," he said with conviction. "Don't get me wrong, I do love you like a friend and you are one great fuck, but I can't feel that way about anyone ever again."

She grabbed the bag of pretzels and popped one into her mouth, before nodding. "Good."

"Now that goes to you too, Johnson; you better not fall in love with me, alright? I don't want to hurt you."

"Of course not. Don't worry, big guy. I can differentiate sex and feelings," she said with a smile.

His answering nod closed that conversation as he reached for the pretzels. She didn't let the bag go, she knew if he had it in his hands it would be devoured in less than five minutes. Instead, she popped some into his mouth before grabbing some for herself. He thanked her with a wink and then he motioned with his hand for her to continue on.

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