And so it Begins

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I'm back! I didn't think I would ever continue this story but alas, once again the inspiration struck me. Please know that I won't be sticking to the fact, I would be making my own alternate universe since I don't think the real world provides as much drama as I would like to instill in this particular story. Please bare with me...

Sleep didn't come till the late hours of the morning and by the time she managed to fall into a dreamless sleep, her alarm went off. Thank God for her the personal assistant her mother had hired a few months ago who had packed most of the things she would need for her 6-month stay in Vancouver – possibly even longer than that since they were shooting Darker and Freed back to back. 

She had mixed feelings when her agent had called with the news that Universal had decided to green light the sequels to Fifty Shades of Grey. One being that both Jamie and Dakota had a very close relation to Sam Taylor-Johnson and her departure from the franchise was a blow to the both of them. On one of their rare calls to each other after the first movie had wrapped, Jamie had asked her how she felt about the possibility of a sequel without Sam. She had laughed and teased him about his confidence that the movie would be a hit on the box office. And what a hit it was – well, not with the critics and certainly not with her parents – but the audience seemed to love it and the book fans seemed to think they did the characters justice. Then there was also the news that they wanted to shoot Darker and Freed back to back; she just didn't know how to take that news. On one hand, it would seem like a rational decision; Jamie was in his mid-thirties and she was almost thirty while their respective characters was almost a decade younger than both of them. If they waited one or two more years after Darker before proceeding to Freed, it would seem less plausible for a thirty-year-old woman to be playing a 22-year-old. But on the other hand, it would mean spending more time with Jamie and possibly also with his family. Six months – six whole months – where she got to see him everyday, with him bringing her a cup of coffee because he had a later set call than she did and she had to spend the ungodly hour of the morning strapped to the hair and makeup chair for hours. They would grab lunch, either from the crew buffet or take-outs from either of their assistants, and on rare occasions they would grab dinner together if they finished early on set. Back when they were shooting the first movie and his wife was not staying with them in Vancouver, they would often meet for early morning workout and brunch on the weekends. Sometimes brunches leads to sightseeing and drinks at the bar especially whenever Blake or her friends came into town. 

That was one of the reasons she was so enthralled with him; he got along with her friends and family famously. Well, her previous significant others did get along with her friends and family but not as fast or as comfortably as Jamie had. They were a tight knit group – her and her friends – but somehow he could integrate himself so perfectly that it never seemed like he was a newcomer or an outsider. He could even get Blake on his side to tease her when all the previous men in her life had pushed Blake at arms length; always assuming that he was trying to get into her pants when all her life she had always seen him as another one of her brothers.

She groaned out of bed, kicking the blanket off her body as she tried to put her sleep-deprived mind on alert. She threw a quick glance at the little Piglet clock Grace had given her for Christmas; 6:43. She had an hour to shower and grab whatever she needed to add to the essentials Elena had packed away. She contemplated washing her hair but decided against it. Breakfast and coffee trumps clean hair any day of the week. She took a quick shower, dressed herself and tied her hair on a messy ponytail. She proceeded to her little library and grabbed a handful of fiction books to put into her tote. Gulliver's Travels, The Great Gatsby and The Notebook pilled on the very top and she felt the first genuine smile played on her lips since Elena reminded her of her Darker shoots a week ago.

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