Here's to Forever

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Dakota heard the sound of screeching tires as she pushed her newly-blonde bands out of the way. While her natural hair had been a light brown, she'd spent years as a blonde. She'd experimented with different colors for her hair since her teenage years yet every time she looked in the mirror, a part of her didn't recognize the person staring right back. For one thing, being a blonde gave her bad memories of a much-wilder self which didn't bode well with the person she'd become. It was safe to say she preferred her being a brunette or as a red-head better.

She concentrated on reading the script on her way back from the hair and makeup trailer onto her own. Courtesy of the ever-considerate Elena, her personal trailer awaited her, fully stocked with her favorite food and must-have items. They were shooting on a small town in the middle-of-nowhere in the lone-star state. Texas had always held a special place in her heart seeing as she'd been born here, every excuse on spending an extended amount of time here was always welcomed. She had made plans to go shopping in Austin as soon as Emily landed on the weekends and she used it as motivation.

Her tan leather boots scuffed as she walked through the dried winter grass. The temperature was surprisingly cold and it had gone down as each day passed. Everything was always more severe here in Texas. She was thankful her hair had been put into an intricate braid and pushed off her face yet the pesky bangs remained as her sole enemy; as it never wanted to stay put.

She heard a commotion somewhere behind her but she ignored as she re-read a few dialogues just to make sure she'd memorized it perfectly. While jumping into another project right away hadn't been her plan in the first place, she found solace in keeping busy. That way her mind didn't have to wander to the places where all she would find was heartbreak and a headache. As she neared her trailer, she heard someone call her name.

"Dakota," she heard it again. Looking around, the couldn't find the source in the close vicinity.

"Dakota! God dammit, I need to talk to her." She froze as she recognized his voice. She hadn't heard it since the wrap party but she'd recognize that voice anywhere. A part of her wanted to run away and just pretended not to have heard. But a bigger part of her was curious of why he was here in the first place. More importantly, how he found out of her whereabouts when she'd specifically told the few people that knew not to tell him where she was under any circumstances.

She turned around slowly, schooled her expression not to give anything away. He stood there, trashing about as two of the on-hand security blocked his path. He stared at her from far away, keeping eye contact. "Dakota! I need to talk to you."

She shook her head. "We've already talked everything through. I don't see why I need to talk to you."

He tried to get past the two men but failed. "Give me a chance will you?"

She shook her head, this time her expression showed one of despair. "I did."

Then she reached her trailer and went inside. She leaned against the doorframe, feeling the beat of her heart hammering quickly. She sincerely wished it had been a bad dream. How embarrassing had that experience been. She knew for a fact people on set were going to talk about it for the next few days. Not that she put stock into what other people thought of her but some things she'd prefer to keep to herself.

She draped her jacket off the coat stand and was about to reach for the wine bottle she had stored in one of the cabinets when she heard the sound of a golf cart horn. The sound was loud and it kept persisting so she went outside to look, reaching for her jacket at the same time. The scene that unfolded in front of her would have been hilarious if it had happened to someone else.

Jamie was on a golf cart, frantically pressing the horn. He kept looking behind him as she saw four security personnel running towards them. She mounted down the step to walk closer to him with amusement clear on her expression. "What the hell are you doing?" she asked once she got close enough they could see eye to eye.

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